who here hates flying


Staff member
I cant say I was keen, feels very claustrophobic in an aircraft and the landing makes me very nervous


Well-known member
I’m apprehensions about it but it may be in my future and if it is I may have to be knocked over the head before I board.


Active member
I find that once I'm on the plane, I'm completely fine... It's just the waiting around that gets to me. Especially, if their are cute girls that go to your HS waiting in the same terminal... Yeah, for me, that's stressful.
I absolutely love flying, always have. I actually wanted to be a pilot when I was younger, and I still think it would be cool to have my pilot's license.

However, I've only ever been on a plane with my family, so I can't really imagine doing it on my own. Sitting beside a stranger for hours would freak me out a little, I think. Not to mention all the airport security checks and stuff...
Something about the thought of hurtling towards my almost certain doom at 400 miles per hour while clutching the armrests trapped inside an oversized metal casket surrounded by screams of pure terror just doesn't appeal to me. Flying has become unbearable for me.


Well-known member
i dont hate it but i do look around on an aircraft , look at all the kids on there , look at the escape doors and think right ... if anything happens ill grab that kid, that kid, get them out ... is that normal :eek: im always looking at all the children on there thinking awwww look how happy they are with there mums and dads :) and get a little worried about crashing ... im not that bad but i always think the same when flying ....

Aww, well first of all that's really sweet you think of others before yourself. :)

And i sort of hate it. I hate landing! I always think we're gonna land too hard and skid and just go up in flames. ::p: But i love being up in the sky, what a beautiful view.


I was scared once when flying on a military aircraft in Peru. It was quite chaotic, people streaming in through the front and the back door, officers shouting, pushing us in. Soon it got overcrowded, plus it was completely dark inside, full of barrels with only one bench along the side. It seemed too small and claustrophobic there, as if we were to get suffocated when it closes. Besides, I didn't know how safe it was so I kept praying the whole journey (and I wasn't alone :D).
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Well-known member
Something about the thought of hurtling towards my almost certain doom at 400 miles per hour while clutching the armrests trapped inside an oversized metal casket surrounded by screams of pure terror just doesn't appeal to me. Flying has become unbearable for me.

but your a bumble bee :confused: you can fly already :) just my little joke lol dont take any notice of me im nuts :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I've only flown a few times; I don't really mind it that much. I've always flown coach. Uh.. Oh I hate when my ears pop it's terrible. :<

I've flown thrice (6 times if you count return trip). It's never really made me anxious or nervous thankfully. Kinda enjoy looking down on the world from up in the sky...


i almost died of fear when we last went on a plane bout 4 years a go funny thing is when i was about 13 we went to the usa and i wasnt at all scared now im absoloutly petrifed ive had many nightmares in my sleep the worst was when the plane was spiralling down to the ground and i was still consicous with everyione screaming and the plane was snapped in half. The other bad dream i had was about evacuating from the country and a nuclear bomb goes off taking down the aircraft.

man my dreams are fked up lol