When somebody hugs me in public

When someone hugs me in public I feel really weird, only when other people see it. Then I can't look them in the eye, but when I do my whole face becomes red, and I think that they think weird stuff about the body contact.
Also when a little kid come sit at my lap, i really feel awkward then.
I'm glad my aunt's children are bigger now. I always felt sooooo awkward.


Well-known member
At least you are not physically revolting as people are willing to hug you :)

But yeah, body contact makes me awkward.


This is an interesting topic. I've wondered recently (as a Social Phobic) what would be the SA implications of kissing someone in a public place. Obviously your conscious of yourself, however also focused on the other individual. I'm curious if the phobia would be heightened or minimized, cuz obviously people walking by would see, but I guess you wouldn't pay attention. Interesting experiment to try...1 problem though, where to find a test partner.


Well-known member
When someone says bye, they sometimes hug me

Oh haha for some reason I assumed strangers were hugging you! Well it's nice you have friends and such! I would probably do the same and feel embarassed, try not to worry about the other people (easier said than done!), hugging is a perfectly normal thing for people to do,


Well-known member
Interesting. I love getting hugged in public, makes me feel special ::eek::

Kissing someone in public is a very different story though.


Well-known member
Yeah, my family on my mum’s side was the kissy huggy type, I don’t mind hugs so much a little conscious about it in public because that action can seem like it draws attention, but I have a slight germ phobia, and kisses do bother me somewhat, but luckily not too bad with my fiancé, he is the only person I will share drinks or anything that may have saliva on it.


Well-known member
Shaking hands is bad enough, thankfully no one has hugged me since I was a kid. I can't help but feel that I have to wash my hand before I can touch anything with it again. I would hate to be hugged in public.

I'm Not There

Well-known member
There's this girl I know and she just likes to get hugs from her friends. Whenever there are lots of people around, I always make sure that the occasion never arises. I know that I'm hurting her by doing this (she has told me), but my SA makes it practically impossible to be in the center of attention.

I've wondered recently (as a Social Phobic) what would be the SA implications of kissing someone in a public place.

My last girlfriend would always kiss me where everyone could see it (because she was an attention w****, really, I was too naive back then to notice that).
I never dared to kiss her, but when she kissed me I didn't seem to mind the fact that people were able to see it (I was aware of it, but didn't mind).


Well-known member
I love hugs but in public does make me feel awkward too. I get what you mean by affection in public and someone seeing, then going bright red with the eye contact. Yesterday i went into a shop to buy me and my little neice some snacks because she was sleeping over and she got out the car and said, "i love you aimee" so i said i love her back, looked up and saw a man was looking and i went bright red. ::eek::
I agree, me too. I want it all to be over as soon as possible. I'm just not accustomed to physical contact, and I think it overrides a barrier of mine. Plus, I often feel as I'm contagious and can transfer my nastiness to somebody else.


Well-known member
I love hugs but in public does make me feel awkward too. I get what you mean by affection in public and someone seeing, then going bright red with the eye contact. Yesterday i went into a shop to buy me and my little neice some snacks because she was sleeping over and she got out the car and said, "i love you aimee" so i said i love her back, looked up and saw a man was looking and i went bright red. ::eek::

Awwwwww lol. I've always seen girls blushing as a good thing. I like it


Super Moderator
I'd never do anything like that in public... EVER :|;;; And i don't like being touched. It would be a different story if the person in question is a close friend and there's no one else around, in that case i wouldn't mind much.


Omg, I know how you feel! This happens to me a lot in church and with family members I don't know very well. I get frightened when I brush arms with someone, so hugging is so much worse! ::(:
And then it's hard to be nice to that person that hugged you, because you just want to tell them "Don't EVER touch me again!" but you just can't because you're too shy to, plus it's uncalled for.
Sometimes I wish everyone could just know I have SAD and stay away.
It wouldn't be a big deal if it was my best friend or one of my parents, but people I don't even know have the audacity to be so personal with me! I know they don't mean it, but I just feel contempt or fear towards people who do that to me.


Well-known member
the police used to hug me years ago , whilst dragging me into a police car :) i guess he just fancied me ::p:


Well-known member
I'm really not used to being hugged. My parents rarely ever hug me. So if someone does in real life I usually tense and don't know how to react then give an awkward pat on the back to them.

The last time someone hugged me... about 6 years ago or so. They realised how tense and nervous it made me and they backed off but were really confused. It was twins so they seemed to hug a lot.


Well-known member
I love getting hugs, it doesn't matter to me where they are...in public or private i'm just happy to get one.