what's your view on religion??

Personally I'm agnostic. I like to read about Jesus and Buddha and try to live my life the way they would have wanted (But I IN NO WAY worship them)

I think that Jesus believed in God as more of a powerful force that comes from within yourself than a big guy in the sky. He even said "God is love".

I don`t like people who worship Jesus...I don`t think he ever wanted to be worshiped. I Also don`t like people who seem to be so sure of there religion (or lack of religion)

I want to punch people in the face when they say with complete certainty that `there is no God`. I also wanna punch people in the face when they say with complete certainty that there is a god.

There are literally trillions of possibilities about God and the universe. Saying you're atheist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other religion is choosing one possibility out of that trillion and thinking (with nothing to back you up) that it's the only true answer.

It's like going into a grocery store but instead of buying a bunch of different foods you just get ten bags of cookies and never open your mind to anything else.

I think religion could do the world a lot of good if people would stop taking it all so literally and just concentrate on the philisophical side of it.

That's my opinion...what's yours??

PS: try not to post anything offensive to anyone I don't want a heated debate...just a relaxed debate :)


Well-known member
I'm putting my money on 5.

There's a lot of stuff I could write, but frankly I'd just end up with a wall of text and need hours to clean it up. I'll settle with this; For me it's honestly not about belief, it's about defiance. If a god decides to show up tomorrow and reveal itself to the world, I'd gladly go to any version of hell rather than honoring, loving or respecting any deity. False or real gods make no difference to me.

And yes, there are a ton of good teachings in religious and philosophical literature. I'm all for a world where we can untie these from beliefs, and extract the parts that relate to improving life for yourself and those around you.


Well-known member
Yup, I agree with both of you. I don't exactly hate any religious people, but the really religious ones, that sit there forcing their religion on you or screaming out how awesome Jesus or God is. It only annoys me when they push it. Otherwise I think their fine, more like I think they're helpful to the world. Not Jesus, God, Muhammad, or whoever else, but the followers. Years ago when me and my family were going broke and homeless, God or Jesus didn't help us, but we did get a little food from a local church. As far as I know, God didn't beam the food in. it's just good people.

Actually, I guess that means we're just taking advantage of these people. But oh well, that's their choice. =D

It's a shame that they go SOO far to please their gods or prophets though. The Crusades, Islamic terrorism, and whatever else people do for their religion, that stuff isn't so great... But, guess we can't do anything about that and I don't think there will be anymore crusades for a while. xD

So overall, I think the normal, calm religious people are fine. Not the ones praising their god every time they talk.


Well-known member
Alright freestylemonster, let's see how good your right hook is.

There is no god.

At least in my little world, and at least right now. :)

I honestly think it's a bit silly to believe in an uberdaddy in the sky, but if that works for people I don't mind. As long as they don't try to push it on me. After all, they could believe in much worse things.

And I still don't know why the big three religions don't turn Jerusalem into a religious Mecca. No pun intended. But if Jews, Christians, and Muslims stopped fighting over it and decided to share it, we'd all be better off.

Or maybe Disneyland would be a better analogy. Come see where Jesus died for your sins! Behold the footprint left by Muhammad in solid rock! I can't think of anything for the Jews off the top of my head! Sorry Jews, no offense intended.

But they could show how all the holy places tie into the stories they've passed down for centuries, and tie that in to some of their beliefs and teachings. I don't much care for the religions, but I think something like that would be pretty cool. Again, no pun intended. As long as they didn't turn it into an Americanized tourist HELL, I think they could all do a lot of good.

Unfortunately I highly doubt they'd listen if an atheist walked up and told them they're not doing it right.


Well-known member
Personally I'm agnostic. I like to read about Jesus and Buddha and try to live my life the way they would have wanted (But I IN NO WAY worship them)

I think that Jesus believed in God as more of a powerful force that comes from within yourself than a big guy in the sky. He even said "God is love".

I don`t like people who worship Jesus...I don`t think he ever wanted to be worshiped. I Also don`t like people who seem to be so sure of there religion (or lack of religion)

I want to punch people in the face when they say with complete certainty that `there is no God`. I also wanna punch people in the face when they say with complete certainty that there is a god.

There are literally trillions of possibilities about God and the universe. Saying you're atheist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other religion is choosing one possibility out of that trillion and thinking (with nothing to back you up) that it's the only true answer.

It's like going into a grocery store but instead of buying a bunch of different foods you just get ten bags of cookies and never open your mind to anything else.

I think religion could do the world a lot of good if people would stop taking it all so literally and just concentrate on the philisophical side of it.

That's my opinion...what's yours??

PS: try not to post anything offensive to anyone I don't want a heated debate...just a relaxed debate :)

Jesus didn't want you to worship him? That's pretty out there.

I call myself an atheist because I can be pretty sure that the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims doesn't exist. I can be equally as sure, in any practical sense of the word, that no God as presented in any religion has any basis in fact. Now that doesn't mean that some force or being may be out there, but there's no evidence for one.

Philosophically, God is okay with rape, genocide, and slavery, to name a few. Religion is a pretty bad role model.


Well-known member
I dont like to label myself but if I had to I would guess I would be agnostic atheist ,but I could be wrong and something I dont comprehend might exist.


Well-known member
I dont like to label myself but if I had to I would guess I would be agnostic atheist ,but I could be wrong and something I dont comprehend might exist.

Afraid that just makes you an agnostic. Then again, most agnostics are atheists in public because it's too damn annoying to explain what agnostic means to everyone and their uncle.


Well-known member
Afraid that just makes you an agnostic. Then again, most agnostics are atheists in public because it's too damn annoying to explain what agnostic means to everyone and their uncle.

Why do you say just agnostic and not an agnostic atheist?
Why do you say just agnostic and not an agnostic atheist?

An atheist believes there is absolutely no higher power out there... agnostics for the most part believe that there could be... but that the higher power probably isn't what any of the current religions make it out to be or that it's even "actively involved" in the world as most faiths would lead you to think... and they tend to not torture themselves trying to define it... so by definition you cannot be an agnostic atheist. But it does usually end up yielding the same result...
Atheist: "There is no god."
Agnostic: "There probably is a god, but it doesn't matter."
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Well-known member
I disagree with you. My understanding of atheism is that it isn't necessarily a belief that there is no god, but a disbelief that there is a god. Agnosticism to me is about knowledge and not belief. I don't believe there is a god so I consider myself an atheist. I also consider myself agnostic as I don't claim to know for sure that no gods exist. So I describe myself as an agnostic atheist.

(sorry I'm getting worse and worse at explaining what I mean!)
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Jesus didn't want you to worship him? That's pretty out there.

Actually not at all. Jesus NEVER said "worship me". He wanted people to love him (he loved everybody and wanted everybody else to love everybody, him included) he said to fallow him, but he never said to worship him. He also never said that he was the son of God. He referred to God as his father because we are all God's children according to his religion.

To be honest, I know that the religious beliefs of the world are all made up by people. But when you think about it...it's still possible!! Not likely, but possible.

I believe that there most likely is a god of some sort. And by God I mean something that created the universe. Whether it was conscious of what it was doing, or whether it's still here or not, that's a different story.
Santa Claus
1. Belief in something you cannot see.
2. What do you get? Presents, if you are a good boy or girl.
3. When do you stop believing? When you’re intelligent enough to believe otherwise, or if you peeked under the bed.
4. Why do you stop believing? Because you know you’ll get presents no matter what. Even if you’re a bad boy or girl.

1.Belief in something you cannot see.
2.What do you get? Guarantee of life after death.
3.When do you stop believing? You don’t, if you want life after death.
4.Why do you stop believing? Again you don't, there's no peeking under the bed.
Santa Claus
1.Belief in something you cannot see.

I see God all the time! God shows himself when the belief in him empowers people to do good things for other people for no personal gain.

God also shows himself when people love each other

because like jesus said: God is love!!

I see God all the time! God shows himself when the belief in him empowers people to do good things for other people for no personal gain.

God also shows himself when people love each other

because like jesus said: God is love!!


I understand that God is nothing more than a drug for a belief in the after-life. If humans never died, we would not need a God.


Well-known member
I see God all the time! God shows himself when the belief in him empowers people to do good things for other people for no personal gain.

God also shows himself when people love each other

because like jesus said: God is love!!


Love is good enough to stand on its own feet rather than piggybacking on gods.

And in my opinion god pollutes good deeds. Is it good that some people do things they otherwise wouldn't because of their belief in a deity? Sure. It's still better that people do good deeds because they can however, with no carrot or stick attached.

Holy shit, we haven't killed anyone yet. Let's see if we get to 3 pages :p


Well-known member
Actually not at all. Jesus NEVER said "worship me". He wanted people to love him (he loved everybody and wanted everybody else to love everybody, him included) he said to fallow him, but he never said to worship him. He also never said that he was the son of God. He referred to God as his father because we are all God's children according to his religion.

To be honest, I know that the religious beliefs of the world are all made up by people. But when you think about it...it's still possible!! Not likely, but possible.

I believe that there most likely is a god of some sort. And by God I mean something that created the universe. Whether it was conscious of what it was doing, or whether it's still here or not, that's a different story.

Definition of worship-"idolize: love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol":D

What you're proposing is that something which has no evidence to support and no logical reason to exist exists. That makes very little sense if you step back and look at it. Everywhere else in life you wouldn't think so illogically, but with God....why the exception? What makes God so special?
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Well-known member
I see God all the time! God shows himself when the belief in him empowers people to do good things for other people for no personal gain.

God also shows himself when people love each other

because like jesus said: God is love!!


Who knows what Jesus said!!! The books of the Bible were written by
  1. Unknown people
  2. Decades or centuries after the events were supposed to have occured
  3. These stories are complete hearsay, nobody that was around to actually witness any of the events wrote anything about them
  4. translated and modified over the centuries

It's like saying I heard from this guy that heard from this guy times 200 about something that happened 40 years ago and then I wrote it down.Then somebody went in and added some parts modified some and removed some a hundred years later. Then it's translated 500 times over the centuries. What part of this contains any shred of credibility?

And you're glossing over the rape, murder, genocide and slavery God condones in the Bible. Don't gloss over those parts and then declare that God is love-you're saying rape is love-genocide is love-slavery is love
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