what's your view on religion??


Well-known member
People follow Jesus and Buddha and people like them because they have ways to live a happier life. I don't wanna argue about this so I'll just say that Buddhism has made me look at the world differently and made me happier with life and **** anyone who says that it's stupid or not worth doing...

And yes, religion has done bad stuff for the world I'm not gonna lie, but so has drinking and smoking but people still do it because it's awesome and fun

Fast food is absolutely horrible for you but it tastes good...You could break a bone or die from mountain biking but it's fun...blah blah blah the list goes on

sorry if I came off a little harsh, I've been really irritable lately for some reason..

Indiana Jones makes me happy; I don't worship him and I don't deny the fact that he doesn't actually exist.

You see Jesus making you happy= don't criticize him or the Bible or God. Him giving you warm fuzzies is more important than reality to you.

Smoking comes with a warning that it causes disease. The Bible should have a disclaimer that says, "work of fiction. Not to be taken literally. Rots your brain."
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