God is a proxy for happy feelings. We want to believe that happiness is something we cannot explain. Therefore, we direct it towards an imaginary figure. This gives him substance and meaning. The next time you are happy, he pops into your head again, and you give him more credit and more substance. This leads to the God Delusion. The more you give, the more you get back. Think of this as a paradox of the mind. The main problem with religion is blind faith. You cannot argue with that. Death will only reveal the answer. Most intelligent people – scientists for the most part – are afraid of death. However, they face it far better than a religious person does. The cycle in nature, the life forms that occupy the universe, we can appreciate more without a god. Another problem is most religions do not evolve; they just stagnate in their own dogma. If any such religion could evolve, the answer to god would not be relevant. They would come to understand that what counts most is personal experience. Taking the world for what it has become. In addition, you place all faith within yourself, not into a proxy called god. Let us cut the intermediary out and reclaim the human mind, free of god.