whats good to clear mild acne?


so everyone seems to have perfect skin and us acne sufferers have been dealt a pretty shtty card. What facial scrubs etc can help it i only have mildd but its pretty bad imo


Well-known member
I used to have acne. Don't even touch your face, don't try to pop anything, always be very gentle with your skin. Stopping junk food, exfoliating my face once a day with the Dove exfoliant cream and and getting a good amount of sleep every night worked for me. Some people use those products they sell on TV, but I have really sensitive skin so I get rashes from them. They're useless.


Well-known member
I was going to say honey also, unpasturized.
I know that Proactive works like pure magic, but who knows what it's actually doing to your skin and who knows what your body is absorbing from it.
Alsssssso, eat less sugar, get more fresh air/sun, eat more raw vegetables and fruit.
There's also yogurt...tomato juice... hot water then cold water rinses.
For some reason exercise takes away my acne, maybe it's a circulation thing?


Well-known member
A healthy diet made up of primarily vegetables, then fruits and finally unprocessed, raw foods. Also drink hella water... like, a gallon a day or something. Get plenty of sunshine and exercise.

Topical use of benzoyl peroxide is also supposed to work wonders.


"Pure honey. It's a natural antibacterial and doesn't dry out the skin.":)

"apple cider vinegar" :)

and as newtype sais, dont scratch or pop anything (cause it makes the condition worse)
easier said than done i know
escapeartist gives another great take on it, healthy living, whick i have yet to experience
"Pure honey. It's a natural antibacterial and doesn't dry out the skin.":)

"apple cider vinegar" :)

and as newtype sais, dont scratch or pop anything (cause it makes the condition worse)
easier said than done i know
escapeartist gives another great take on it, healthy living, whick i have yet to experience

You got something to say about my remedy, For Real?:mad:::p:


Honestly, apple cider vinegar. Google it... you'll find loads of information on this natural remedy, even for various other uses.

Pure honey. It's a natural antibacterial and doesn't dry out the skin.

You got something to say about my remedy, For Real?:mad:::p:

aye, while im still half concuois, i think its a great idea, to use herbal kind of remedy stuff.
it really does work for a lot of people :)


Well-known member
I agree with what everyone else has said. I use honey as moisturizer once a week and it's fantastic. I don't really have any acne anymore, so I can't say that it clears it up, but it doesn't make me breakout!

If I were to give you advice...I'd say be gentle. Harsh chemicals are not going to do you any good in most cases. They'll only irritate your skin. Get a gentle daily cleanser. I suggest Spectro Gel. Many people like Cetaphil too. But, I personally don't like it. :p Wash your face with it when you wake up and before you go to bed. I'd also get a moisturizer too. Your face may not be dry, but it will still be beneficial. Complex 15 is what I use (my dermatologist recommended it...it was created by derms). Apply it once or twice a day. Exfoliate once or twice a week (too much exfoliation does more harm than good). I make a paste with a bit of honey and regular granulated sugar. I rub it all over...let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse it off (this is after I've washed my face with cleanser). Be sure to apply moisturizer afterwards...The exfoliation can be drying.

You can also add 4 or 5 aspirins to your honey/sugar mixture. Just dissolve them in a few drops of water and apply them with everything else.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner after cleansing. Make sure you dilute it with water though. Something like 1 tbs acv with 1 cup water.

Tea tree oil is something a couple of my friends swear by for their acne/skin...but I can't stand the smell so I don't use it.

If all else fails, I would see your doctor/a dermatologist (if you can, of course...). They will be able to prescribe you stronger creams/meds to clear it up. After having my acne cleared up I was so much more confident!

I'm very passionate about skin care. :p Remember what works for one person may not work for you...And what works for you may not work for someone else. So try everything for a few weeks! It may take awhile for your skin to adjust to a new product and it may even get worse before it gets better.

Almost forgot...WATER WATER WATER! Drink as much water you can!
Wow...I feel like a total nerd. Heh...Hopefully it helps!
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Well-known member
I've had acne for 9 blooming years now and the only cream that has helped is sudocrem. It's usally used for nappy rash but is used for acne and other problems too. It also moisturises the skin so that's a bonus! :)


i have been quite lucky as i have very clear skin with very little blemishes but my cousin had bad acne, some people say that clearasil doesnt work witch i believe to be untrue if you wash your face in it morning and night everyday acne does fade away.
never pick or pop sports because it will scar you just live with it untill it goes on its own dont scare yourself.
also eating healthy food and cutting out junk reduces spots.
and if all else fails, go to your GP an get some tablets, that will make the spots fo away.


oh and another thing, i believe the best moisturizer you can buy is nivea i would never use another moisturizer after finding nivea, it just does everything a moisturizer is meant to do.
also it makes your skin feel like silk.


Well-known member
Step 1: Wash with Cetaphil, rinse.
Step 2: Apply pure Witch Hazel with a cotton ball and let face dry.
Step 3: Apply a light layer of Cetaphil Daily Mousturizer.

I do this every night before bed. In the morning I use only the face wash. Sounds like you're washing too much in the morning, which can irritate. I also don't eat dairy or wheat products, and drink alot of water. Good Luck!