What would make you happy?


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I don't mean superficial happiness, that efemeral drug. I mean Genuine, long lasting, honest to goodness happiness. An overall sense that life is worth living, that getting up in the mourning isn't a waste of time. THat you wasted your day if you slept in until noon, that feeling that you haven't ascompished enough in a day with respect to one of your passions. A meaningful romantic relationship? A perment resolution to your anxiety? Chemicals? ect. At the very least, post something that would make you happier.

For myself: I'de be happier if I could:

a) Have a meaningful realtionship with the rest of humanity (not all, of course, but some members thereof).
b)Manage my time more efficently, so that I can make more progress on my goals.


For me, it would be:

1) To be able to keep a positive outlook on things all the time.

2) Being able to go into a crowded place and not freak out.

3) Having and raising 1-3 children and for them to grow up without having to deal with everything I had to as a child.

4) I would love to have enough money to open up a charity/crisis center for single mothers throughout the U.S. I think the single mothers out there who have a hard time making it are the strongest people alive. For me personally, I've always been the type to help someone else out when I was able to so what I mentioned above would make perfect sense for me.

5) If we could somehow create a way to make sure no child has to suffer through cancer or any other potentially fatal disease.


Well-known member
For me, it would be:

1) To be able to keep a positive outlook on things all the time.

2) Being able to go into a crowded place and not freak out.

3) Having and raising 1-3 children and for them to grow up without having to deal with everything I had to as a child.

4) I would love to have enough money to open up a charity/crisis center for single mothers throughout the U.S. I think the single mothers out there who have a hard time making it are the strongest people alive. For me personally, I've always been the type to help someone else out when I was able to so what I mentioned above would make perfect sense for me.

5) If we could somehow create a way to make sure no child has to suffer through cancer or any other potentially fatal disease.

How could we go about ascomplishing 1)?

3) I really think that it's possible to have children, when you have SP, and not have them have to deal with what we did. In fact, I don't think there has been any evidence demonstrating a strong genetic factor for the disease. However, I'de have to say that it's only been offically acknowledged recently.

5) This should be possible via genetic engeneering durring some point in the near future. However, many will argue that it's immoral (usually for religious reasons), and a conesquence of this is that it's not likly to be approved of any time soon after it's possible.

4) THis is a great goal. There are crisis centers out there, but most of them ar e pretty general, so a person might not get specifc help.
Right now winning the lotto would make me happy.
It's not for shallow reasons. It would just enable me to solve a heap of my problems in life.
1) Accept myself, feel happy for who i am, and don't care about what people think of me.

2)Having a positive outlook on life, a better view and be alright.

3)Raduate calm, no tension anymore in my body and hyperventilation, just relaxed and always feeling like I can breathe like I never did before, feeling healthy and just hyper-free ::eek::.

4)Graduate school, damn i want that so bad ::eek::, Having a great job.

5)Singing career, making albums and work with producers or sing in a band.

6)Work as a Dj, I always dreamed of it.

7)Go snowboarding,surfing,wakeboarding,skating, that always releases all my whatever, I feel great and love boarding.

8)Helping people with Social Anxiety online. Or write a self help book, of course, If I discovered my own cure.
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Well-known member
1. To have normal moods and be ridden of all my problems with socialising.

Yeah that'll do me. I could get on with the rest of my life then!

But for further happiness:

2. Have a group of solid friends.
3. Find a "soulmate" and get married and have children.
4. Get a good job which I look forward to every day.
5. Help others suffering from mental illness - whether raising awareness, charity or (if I succeed in my career aspirations) in the laboratory.

I imagine 2,3 and 4 are on most peoples lists and 1 and 5 are because of my current predicament.
However I also believe that it is hard for anyone to ever be truly happy - by nature we are always striving for more. (but that's another debate all together).


Being content with myself. For the most part, that's pretty much my whole problem.

I have GAD, so anxiety is a huge problem in other aspects of my life, but it doesn't bother me as much as my social anxiety and insecurity.

If I was content with myself, I would never feel insecure. I would never let others take advantage of me.

It's all I've dreamed about for a long long time......
Being content with myself. For the most part, that's pretty much my whole problem.

I have GAD, so anxiety is a huge problem in other aspects of my life, but it doesn't bother me as much as my social anxiety and insecurity.

If I was content with myself, I would never feel insecure. I would never let others take advantage of me.

It's all I've dreamed about for a long long time......

The same here, if I was content with myself, I would be a whole different person. I would be happy and feel beautiful in my own skin. Now I just feel ugly, stupid and weird a worthless self esteem to say:p and like you described the insecurities, so many that keeps us busy and it's like we can't escape from the self image we both created in our mind. I would be really happy too if I could be content about myself, but.. totally content? No that's too much :p just a little would be a great help :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Being relatively succesful at my career, make enough money to travel to new countries once in a while.

That would be enough, but of course, finding some sort of significant other would be great.


Well-known member
1) To be able to put myself out there, socialize, and meet new people without going through anxiety.

2) Accept myself.

3) To find someone who fully cares about me and loves me for who I am. Yeah, like that didn't sound cheesy enough. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
1) being a happy person
2) having confidence
3) having a succesful career
4) being able to make friends more easily and handling myself well in social situations
4)to find someone who loves me for who i am and to love them back


What would make me happy:

1) To feel as though I have a purpose in this life, right now I really don't know what my purpose is even though I have overcome alot of this social phobia there is still something plaguing me ...

2) Be able to control my impulsive spending! I spend my money on **** and I am a terrible budgetor ...always leaving payments till the last minute if not avoiding them until I get the final payment sent out to me!

3) Gather up the courage to complete a beautician course and change my career!!

4) Leave my current job

5) Complete a GROUP CBT course

6) Be able to go out and visit people and do whatever daily tast it may be in joy :)

7) Find my excitement again for life, take up ballroom dancing, and netball !
