What sort of sport suits the shy type?


Martial arts is a pretty good suggestion actually and your right it is totally bad*ss! Thats a good idea, I'll keep it in mind. Fencing a good suggestion too, but I don't think the town has a club (I'll have to db check). I blush too but not the normal red cheek blush. I get supersonic red blotches on my chest / neck, I've had a few people try to convenience me I'm having an allergic reaction, even though I instance it's a blush. Although on second thoughts maybe I am having an allergic reaction, to them that is :)! Thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement, it really helps.


Sailing the rough seas
willing to bet your life on it. Not just some ££$$€€

Vent the anger

Remembering the running around the track. Egg & Spoon?

Told by teacher at age 4, 6. He'll get used to football, rugby and cricket. Everyone gets better.

I spent all my afternoons alone in the IT room, while everyone else was doing sport


Well-known member
A really dorky sport where the people are probably just as shy as you. Like Foosball (table Football) or Ultimate Frisbee::p:


Well-known member
I suggested fencing. :D

I do various martial arts though. My problem is blushing, but after a short time everyone is a bit redfaced from the intense sessions so it suits me really good.

Oh yeah, fencing is a great suggestion. Except, the only fencing kids I've ever known were really...weird. I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all, just something to keep in mind when making a choice. :)


Well-known member
the most suitable sport for shy people is the sport that shy person happens to feel he/she may be good at.


Well-known member
Just about any sport that you like,if you like it will be fit for you no matter what.


Well-known member
The only team sport I've really tried is soccer/football-- and that was back in grade 6 when I was bullied by the whole team and everyone else. haha

...ahh... I was pretty good at track until I hit puberty and started stumbling over my own feet-- but soccer is the only team sport I can really think of that I tried.

Martial arts are wonderful and often done in large groups.
I did a few classes of Yoga back in college but felt too self-conscious to keep doing it infront of other people, so I tend to do that alone in my room.

What I found by doing photography and personal interviews for the sports teams in high school was that there were always a few members who were more shy and self-conscious but they continued to participate despite that.
So, I suppose you just have to get out there and do what you want to do. If it works out; wonderful!
If it doesn't-- try something else.

Being active is important above everything else.
Feeling healthy can be a huge self esteem booster.
And as time goes by, people will bond even if they didn't get along from the start. It's just a matter of sticking it out. (mostly)


I hate sport. I suck at all of it. Brings back memories of being picked last for the team and feeling awkward and inferior.

I prefer non competitive sports like lifting heavy objects and running.

x Will x

Well-known member
Sports can often suit the shy type anyway because while your playing a game, your not having to do any intermediate socialising:) its a bit like acting, allot of shy actors transform on stage. this is because the audience aren't seeing the real person, rather a different character. The same is with sports!:)
As well as that exercise helps to produce endorphins, and you know what that means.. free drugs! Endorphins are a more powerful anti depressant/ anxiety than morphine!
Good luck!


Well-known member
First off greetings from WA. I moved here about a year and a half ago. Anyways, I think choosing a sport can be a challenging task. For me even speaking to people or going out causes great anxiety so I need sports I can do by myself. I recommend some martial arts. You can practice by yourself or you can join a school of your choosing. Some offer private tutors and many offer small classes so it's not to intense to try to deal with a whole bunch of people at once.
I recently took up freestyle Nunchaku as a good way to strengthen my arms and to challenge myself to new activities.


Hi - thank you so much for all the messages, it really helps to motivate me and makes me feel not alone, which is great. To be honest the soccer (football) is going well. I like getting out and running around and everyone's too puffed to care too much anyway. When your out there running around there isn't much socialising in reality. And the skill level varies greatly, so even though I'm not highly skilled I still feel I can contribute to the team.

They do this training exercise sometimes where people take turns at been in the middle, I fumbled the ball and someone laughed but I don't expect everyone to be great (and it was just once!). Mostly people seem nice. Actually they are having drinks tonight because a girl is leaving the team. I don't really want to go, I'm just not having the best day. I went into town and had an interview for a volunteer role and felt a tad strained doing it and I keep getting rejection emails (or silence, mostly silence) from my job applications. I haven't even got a single interview yet (oh I'm in WA in AUS). Still I'm having some successes and feel pretty good most of the time, its just hard at the second. As in I'm having a bit of cry listening to an old coldplay song (glee I'm glad this post is anonymous!!!) Well I've got to go clean and I'm thinking I might make some lemon sorbet to cheer myself up.

But back to the sport, soccer seems an okay fit but if I want to try something different I'm thinking definitely martial arts. Maybe not the freestyle nunchaku though, as this may end up resulting in face and nunchaku coming into contact.