I was just thinking the same thing! lol! I do wonder sometimes if anybody is actually changed at the end of all these debates?!
I think for me the reason why I love talking about all this stuff is because it cuts right to the root of a person. At the root of every person there is a core belief about the nature of the universe, whether we realise it or not, and I think it may well be the most important thing about a person, because all other branches grow from that root. But this is also probably why these debates can get quite heated, because we're dealing with people's core beliefs here, so it's a very sensitive terrain to be treading. Plus it's just the truth! I LOVE IT! I love exploring it and debating it and testing it! and life is just so mental, and we're all gonna die one day and I just love exploring this possibility that there may really be a God! I find it all so exciting!

but that's just me!
I have a theory actually, for those who'd like to hear it!

.....I'm beginning to think that the world view that a person chooses to align with is more of a moral desicion than it is an intellectual one. Any honest seeker of the truth will admit that there is plenty of intellectual material for both sides of the story. There have been giants of the atheistic world and giants of the theistic world. But before opening any book or looking at any internet page I believe inside everybody is a pre-conceived bias. If I don't want to believe that there is a God, I'm sure I could feel very secure with my Dawkins books and my materialistic hat on. Equally, if I want to believe in God I can feel very secure with my CS Lewis books and my prophetic hat on......but I'll happily be the first to admit that I have a bias. I WANT to believe in God. Of course my pride, logic and integrity keeps me in check so that I could never believe in anything I knew was a lie, but when I find pieces of significant evidence that point towards God, I follow them with all my heart.
So if there is any good that comes out of these debates, I'd really like it if people, next time they open a theological book or read a scientific internet page, that they'd check their heart before hand and see if there are any pre conceived ideas already made before beginning the search.