We didn't know bacteria existed so we used religion as an explanation for sickness. Religion was used to fill the gaps that science couldn't explain.
Why should we have humility toward ancient fairy tales? There may also be unicorns and fairies in the garden, but we don't give them the "benefit of the doubt." There is no reason to believe that a god exists, just as there is no reason to believe there's a teapot orbiting the sun.
We on this planet represent a microscopic piece of the universe as a whole. I think it's pretty arrogant to think that man has, or is even able, to discern everything. I'm not arguing for the existence of a particular god, but am just pointing out that if there is a higher being that created this universe, or at the very least set the evolutionary process in motion, then this being is probably of a far higher intelligence than humans, or any other being existing. It would then stand to reason then that perhaps humans lack the capability to prove this beings existence, and it is in fact futile to try. If this being exists, he/she is probably laughing at scientists who are trying to prove/disprove his/her existence, or who dismiss the idea entirely because they are unable to discern any "evidence" with their relatively meager capabilities.
And while you may see religion as "comforting" for people, because they can believe in an afterlife, greater purpose, etc., I think you equally find comfort in your "science," because perhaps everything you believe in can be "proven" with "evidence," which would be comforting for a person with a rational mind such as yourself. I personally think this is narrow-minded and somewhat lazy, as maybe you (or someone like you) just sit back and wait for science to tell you what to believe, even though some of these things may later be proven false, and even if they aren't, there is likely a magnitude of things still waiting to be discovered, and are likely beyond our own human capabilities to understand and discern. This does not make these things any less real, or make current ideas that end up being wrong "right."
I'm not expecting you (or anyone else- I'm not trying to just direct this specifically to you) to fully believe in the existence of a god or higher being, but to perhaps adopt an open mind that there are probably things out there that cannot be discernable only through science- i.e. science may not have all the answers. I'm not saying people should blindly believe in any religion, but neither should people blindly take science as the ultimate authority.