SickJoke said:
It's the human condition, fun stuff huh?
lol! yea you could say that!
erm, I just wanted to say that Riiya and SickJoke and others are totally right when they say that you shouldn't believe in something just because it's comfortable. You should believe it because it's true. I 100% agree. Although I have a feeling this issue can be expanded much further....
1. I get the feeling that if we're honest, we all bend reality to suit our own desires at some point. I guess it's human nature.
2. My outlook on a life where there is no God I must admit is still looking pretty bleak from here. I feel as though if I were to take this philosophy to its logical conclusions and actually live by it, I fear it would take me to some very unpleasant places.
3. I'm not convinced yet that when you find a philosophy that gives meaning and sense to life against one that doesn't, I don't think that's the same as saying "one gives you comfort the other doesn't, but it's not about comfort it's about truth". Because it's like the atheist is saying "well done, you found a philosophy that brings meaning and coherence to life and that makes you feel comfortable, but whoever told you that life should have meaning and coherence?" and I could simpy answer that by saying, "well, would you like me to respond to your question coherently, or may I respond incoherently?!"....I think what I'm trying to say is this:
If the universe has no ultimate meaning or coherence, then I have absolutely no obligation to live life coherently or with meaning....right?!...or wrong?!!
Anywayz, I'd just like to offer a second thread that ties me to theism, and which hopefully might shed some light on the "God=Santa=The flying spaghetti monster" issue! Here is an arguement for the existence of God. I think it's called the Thomas Aquinas proof and I'm yet to see a way around it. It goes like this,
Our universe must have had a beginning. All the latest scientific research confirms this. At some point our whole universe came into existence out of nothing. BUT, there is nothing within our universe that can create something out of nothing. It goes against all natural laws. THEREFORE something "super"natural must have created our universe. We call this something God.
There is an obvious objection to this arguement which is "well, who created God!?", but at the big bang, wasn't time itself created? Time is just another dimension of our universe. Before the big bang, time itself didn't even exist, so whatever created it must be outside of time.
Plus a little philosophical idea I heard recently....if you believe that God needs a cause, and Gods cause needs a cause, and the cause of Gods cause needs a cause, etc etc etc going back through an infinity of did we get here right now?! If time stretches back to infinity, how come we are here right now?.....erm, I'm not sure about this one but it's definitely got me thinking!!!
anyway, I'd love to know of any valid reasons to doubt this proof of God if anyone has any?!