What part of your body do you most hate?


Well-known member
flakeybark said:
I like going to the hairdresser, if just for the hair wash part. Having someone touch your head is the most soothing feeling ever. Who cares what they're saying! Just smile and nod :eek:

I'll give you that, the hair wash is nice.


ZiggyCosmicJive said:
marciaX3 said:
i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.

Marcia, don't feel that way. A lot of guys think girls with a belly like that are cute, including myself. I'd actually much prefer that to a thin girl. And I'm not a "chubby chaser" or anything, I've had crushes on twigs- it's all in the personality, the way she carries herself and the the kindness of the face if you ask me. I'd count a full figure as an added bonus! Believe me, I'm not the only guy who thinks like this.

As for myself, I don't like that my face can be greasy sometimes, and I don't like that I sometimes get pimples. I'll go for a few weeks with a relatively clear face, and then I'll wake up with a few out of the blue. It's annoying, and can really get me down, which usually only worsens the issue, as pimples are mainly stress related. Maybe I shouldn't complain, as I only ever have a few, if any pimples on my face at any one time, but I thought by 19 I wouldn't have to deal with this any more at all.

Ziggy is right, most guys prefer girls like you over twigs. Me myself included.

Ziggy, i have the same problem. My face gets oily in the morning, and if i don't wash it i start getting more acne. My face is already full of reddish brownish marks from previous acne...They say its recommended to wash 2 times a day, but sometime i find myself washing 3 or 4 times, just because if i dont wash my face, it gets really shiny...sucks

Anyway, Keeping to the topic of this thread, what i hate is my jaw. See, i have a under bite. Its not life threatning bad like some people out there, but when i turn my head to the side, itmakes my face look flat. eh?


Well-known member
Nacke said:
ZiggyCosmicJive said:
marciaX3 said:
i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.

Marcia, don't feel that way. A lot of guys think girls with a belly like that are cute, including myself. I'd actually much prefer that to a thin girl. And I'm not a "chubby chaser" or anything, I've had crushes on twigs- it's all in the personality, the way she carries herself and the the kindness of the face if you ask me. I'd count a full figure as an added bonus! Believe me, I'm not the only guy who thinks like this.

Ziggy is right, most guys prefer girls like you over twigs. Me myself included.

awwww thanks ziggy and nacke. you two have definitely given me a bit of a self-esteem boost :) i'm telling ya, where were you guys when i was younger and needed to hear this most? lol


I think I dislike my face the most. I hate it so much that I avoid the mirror even when I'm freshening up. I hate everything about it. My nose, eyes, lips, and cheeks. All of my facial features are way to big for a girl and they closely resemble my father's(whom I can't stand to see). I think if my face was smaller I'd look alot nicer.

(I'm surprise my account is still up. This is my first post since 6 months! 8O )


Active member
My nose probably or my eyebrows...yeah that last one might be weird but no matter what they don't have the same exact shape and it bothers me!!


Well-known member
my fingernails because they are always bitten and bleeding, as well as my teeth. i always think theyare too yellow, although i know they arn't


Well-known member
...to lazy to look see if I responded to this already or not...but anyway for me id say it would have to be my stomach area first....I have lost a ton of weight but what used to be there fat wise has left a bunch of flaby extra skin behind now.


Well-known member
I don't like my moe and i think i will remove it... its funny though that more you focus on a body part you dislike it creates an illusion like never before... like saying i don't like my big ears and start to focus and believe it in more and more... next thing you know it becomes twice the size.

My nose does that lol. It varies between huge and alright depending on my mood. Atm it's huge lol.
i just hate my stomach. i hate my cheeks and i hate my round face. i hate my skin texture (the color is just fine). i hate my arms.