marciaX3 said:
i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.
Marcia, don't feel that way. A lot of guys think girls with a belly like that are cute, including myself. I'd actually much prefer that to a thin girl. And I'm not a "chubby chaser" or anything, I've had crushes on twigs- it's all in the personality, the way she carries herself and the the kindness of the face if you ask me. I'd count a full figure as an added bonus! Believe me, I'm not the only guy who thinks like this.
As for myself, I don't like that my face can be greasy sometimes, and I don't like that I sometimes get pimples. I'll go for a few weeks with a relatively clear face, and then I'll wake up with a few out of the blue. It's annoying, and can really get me down, which usually only worsens the issue, as pimples are mainly stress related. Maybe I shouldn't complain, as I only ever have a few, if any pimples on my face at any one time, but I thought by 19 I wouldn't have to deal with this any more at all.