What part of your body do you most hate?


Well-known member
women are never satisfied with their bodies! I actually prefer a woman to have atleast a bit of meat on her....Otherwise i may as well be vegetarian :lol:

I liked the poster who said that the brain is the worst part...That is true! Our brains will never let us be at peace with ourselves. My brain is my worst enemy!


Well-known member
Face for me as well. If I look at my face in the mirror without squinting I'll just be so disturbed by my own ugliness I'll just stand there on the edge of insanity.


Well-known member
My height - I wish I were 2-3 inches taller. And I wish I had perfect skin. It's not terrible, but I'd wish it were better.


Well-known member
my legs, my feet, my hands, my arms, my profile, my face straight on, my nose, my hair, I could go on, sadly..I always think I look disgusting.


Well-known member
I'm not good looking but I'm not ugly either. I'm average. I honestly have not much to complain about my looks.

Like it's been mentioned, it's the brain.. BRAINZ, BRAINZZZZ.

Obviously I'm a little fucked up in the head.


Well-known member
oh god, where do i begin?

my legs look like fat white sausages, as do my arms. especially the upper part, which is why i never wear sleeveless tops.
i really hate my stomach. i hate the shape of my face, though in the right lighting, my jaw line looks decent.
i like the color of my hair, but i hate the texture. it's so hard to manage. it puffs up into a frizz ball in the slightest bit of humidity.

...& i could go on for days. :roll:


Im getitng better with my body image with going to the gym,i got quite into shape at one point but i ended up not going for a year and i lost all the hard work id done.But ive started again and an doing well.But i hate just like my frame in general and specialy my legs :? It doesnt matter how toned i get i still look really skinny.


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i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.


Well-known member
marciaX3 said:
i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.

Marcia, don't feel that way. A lot of guys think girls with a belly like that are cute, including myself. I'd actually much prefer that to a thin girl. And I'm not a "chubby chaser" or anything, I've had crushes on twigs- it's all in the personality, the way she carries herself and the the kindness of the face if you ask me. I'd count a full figure as an added bonus! Believe me, I'm not the only guy who thinks like this.

As for myself, I don't like that my face can be greasy sometimes, and I don't like that I sometimes get pimples. I'll go for a few weeks with a relatively clear face, and then I'll wake up with a few out of the blue. It's annoying, and can really get me down, which usually only worsens the issue, as pimples are mainly stress related. Maybe I shouldn't complain, as I only ever have a few, if any pimples on my face at any one time, but I thought by 19 I wouldn't have to deal with this any more at all.


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ZiggyCosmicJive said:
marciaX3 said:
i hate that i'm admitting this "in public" but i hate my belly. i look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant, except i'm not. i constantly have the serious urge to cut my belly open and give myself a tummy tuck.

Marcia, don't feel that way. A lot of guys think girls with a belly like that are cute, including myself. I'd actually much prefer that to a thin girl. And I'm not a "chubby chaser" or anything, I've had crushes on twigs- it's all in the personality, the way she carries herself and the the kindness of the face if you ask me. I'd count a full figure as an added bonus! Believe me, I'm not the only guy who thinks like this.

As for myself, I don't like that my face can be greasy sometimes, and I don't like that I sometimes get pimples. I'll go for a few weeks with a relatively clear face, and then I'll wake up with a few out of the blue. It's annoying, and can really get me down, which usually only worsens the issue, as pimples are mainly stress related. Maybe I shouldn't complain, as I only ever have a few, if any pimples on my face at any one time, but I thought by 19 I wouldn't have to deal with this any more at all.

that's sweet of you to say, thank you :) now, where were you back in the day when i needed someone to tell me that so i wouldn't feel like this today? lol. i know there's guys out there who are attracted to girls like me, but it's so hard to accept, ya know?

i get pimples as well. they suck, no doubt. i really hate the ones that are just red dots and you can't pop them yet to get rid of them... ugh. i doubt there's anyone out there that actually enjoys pimples lol. so you're definitely not alone.

btw, i live in MA too :)


Well-known member
It's been said that if any person, generally speaking, gets a decent haircut, wears reasonably attractive clothing, and carries themselves a little better (i.e., doesn't walk slouched, doesn't frown all the time) that they can all be a "7 out of 10" in the sexiness scale.

I have to agree with this. A lot of people look much better when they shed a few pounds, have a nice hair cut, and just act more chilled out.

Grr... I hate admitting the fact that I am afraid of going to the barber shop, I'm such a pussy sometimes... stupid social phobia.


Well-known member
marciaX3 said:
i know there's guys out there who are attracted to girls like me, but it's so hard to accept, ya know?

Yeah, probably hard to accept because media and pop culture tell us that thin is beautiful. It's an unhealthy notion, both physically and emotionally. Beauty is subjective. I hope you can start to feel better about yourself and your cute tummy!

Oh and it's good to see I'm not the only Massachusettsian, Marcia!

And yeah Walk, I'm often afraid of getting a haircut too. Not the haircut itself, but being so physically close to another person for so long and being the center of their attention. Also, making small talk with the hairdresser can be tough. That's probably one reason why let my hair grow out- so I don't have to get it cut as much.