What movies coming out in 2011 are you looking forward to?


Well-known member
Like the title says, post your trailers here.

These are what I wanna see.

Kung Fu Panda 2 (I loved the first one which is rare for me to like DreamWorks CG animation. The other movie made by them recently that I love, even more than Kung Fu Panda, is How to Train Your Dragon)

YouTube - Kung Fu Panda 2 : The Kaboom of Doom | teaser #1 US (2011) 3D

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - On Stranger Tides (I always like the Pirates movies so I doubt this'll be bad. :3 )

YouTube - Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - On Stranger Tides - Official Trailer [HD]

Cars 2 (This one is a bit iffy for me because I didn't really like Cars all that much compared to Pixar's other movies which are complete masterpieces. Cars, in my opinion, was one of their weakest movies because it didn't have the same emotion as their other movies from what I could gather. It seemed more like a DreamWorks movie if anything else. But... I'll still see it to give it a shot because I love Pixar)

YouTube - Cars 2 | teaser US (2011) Disney Pixar

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (... C'mon. It's Harry Potter. The trailer looks amazing especially when the title pops up. x3)

YouTube - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 Trailer Released!! (Love it/Hate it)

Winnie the Pooh (I DON'T CARE IF I'M 20 er.. gonna be 21 because it comes out in July and my birthday is in June.....!!! I'M GOING TO SEE THIS!! *cough* Sorry. I'm just so happy that Disney is getting back to what they should have sticked with in the first place. Not this tween, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, or High School Musical crap. This is my childhood here.)

YouTube - Winnie the Pooh Movie Trailer Official (HD)

Sherlock Holmes 2 (unfortunatly, I can't find a trailer yet. It comes out in December, but I LOVED the first movie. Holmes is very camp. x3)


Well-known member
I will probably go see The Hobbit.
And I will more than likely go see the 4th Pirates of The Caribbean film.

There doesn't seem to be many movies that I'm interested in seeing next year; The only sad thing is ... I kinda have an interest in going to see Sucker Punch ... but I really dislike one of the actresses in it. And I can see myself not seeing any movies but the POTC4 ...

petrified eyes

Well-known member
It may be fake, I'm not sure. Yeah,actually it probably is (marvel.com has nothing). Here are some pictures from the movie though. (Looks much better then that trailer)
YouTube - High Resolution Captain America The First Avenger Photos

Much, much better. No ALICE, no M-14s, no drill rifles, no graffiti/tags, good. Eyes are going back in their sockets now.

EDIT: I might as well contribute to the thread:

"The Way Back"

"The Rite", if only because Anthony Hopkins is in it.

I was a bit excited when I heard they were remaking "The Mechanic". When I heard they cast Jason Statham as Bronson's character I was less excited. When I saw the trailer I was even less excited. Meh, at least it has Donald Sutherland.
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I really wanna see "Cowboys and Aliens" or "Cowboys Vs Aliens" I don't remember what it's called but it looks awesome lol. And another movie called "Monsters" I think. I just saw previews for them in the theater.


Well-known member
That's the most horrendous thing I've seen in a while. I'm fairly certain that's a fake. If it isn't, this movie's budget is about $150.

That is a fake. If it was real it wouldn't look horrible for one but it would also have Sam Jackson in it. And did I mention it wouldn't look horrible.:D:D:D:D