What is your trigger?


Well-known member
Seeing people just striking up conversations with random strangers. Whenever I see that I get a little envious of the person and frustrated with myself. Its weird because as a kid, I went up to random people and asked questions and struck up conversations without even thinking twice about it. Now, I get nervous when I "have to" talk to people. I black out :confused:


Well-known member
obligated social interaction in which i can't blow people off for my own relief. examples are work, sitting at an inlaw's dinner table, when my ex would randomly invite his friends over late at night. the forced social interaction was unnerving and i couldn't leave, i couldn't hide.

noise and cool temperatures set me off. crank the heat.


Well-known member
Human beings make me anxious. And the damn things are everywhere.

Social interaction almost always makes me feel disappointed later on when I analyze how it went. Said analysis usually leads to frustration and depression, too.

Content, happy people make me depressed.

Animal abuse makes me very, very angry.

And beautiful things make me especially lonely when I remember how I have no one to share them with. I don't mean cars and jewelry, I mean things like sunsets, falling snow, songbirds, walking on a deserted beach by moonlight, etc.
I think I have become pretty numb to a lot of the things mentioned (seeing other happy couples).
The one thing that I can think of at the top of my head is people feeling sorry or pitying me.
That can really bring me down. By this I mean people that feel sorry for my life or my situation.
I get upset because I do not need people to feel sorry for me.
I am the one which has to live this life.


Having to conversate with people I really do not know and small stores.

Depression - Well the loniness of AvPD and S.A.D! I want great friends to have good times with, a wife to grow old with and experiecne all the beautiful things life has to offer, and finally make a baby with that woman. It's screwed up how much I want this and these disorders specificaly prevent that.


Well-known member
when i over hear some 'friends' making plans for the weekend. this makes my stomach roll because i think i get along well with them but i still have this awkwardness with them which prevents me from asking them if i can go along with them because i'm paranoid they don't really like me...


Well-known member
My trigger is when people make jokes at my expense. They know I'll never lash out at them or get mad, so they think it's ok to continue making fun of me and have everyone laugh. I truly detest that. :mad: It hurts so much. It gets me into a depressive state for days. ::(:


Active member
Thunderstorms and being around other people for more than a few hours at a time. Those are the big ones.