What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?


Well-known member
Prosecuting legal cases against the Australian Government over discrimination because of social phobia and winning


Well-known member
Seriously, nothing.

Well, if watching horror films alone in the room counts, then that would be the one.


Active member
ummm... I walked up to this one girl n skool and asked 4 her number. I had had a crush on her for like 6 months before that and it was my first (and last) time ever doing it :x


Going to a job interview for a telemarketing job. I start in August. Nervous, but I really need this job so I'm gonna do my best..


Well-known member
Got the job I am in over a year now. Handing in C.v., interview, induction days and the first few months were the worst of my life - but I stuck it out and now it is one of the places I feel most comfortable because if I do not like the people I am working with I don't have to communicate with them. I just get on with my work!


Well-known member
Last week I did something that many would consider to be courageous. I went cage diving with Great White sharks.

I'd never been diving before, barely even swum in the sea, so you can understand that I was significantly out of my comfort zone just by suiting up and getting into the water, let alone facing such a feared animal in its natural environment.

Here is the strange thing though. To most people this might seem like a pretty courageous thing to do, in fact some people thought I was crazy for doing it, but it was nothing compared to many many many situations that I face with my anxiety.

It was the most surreal experience down there, breathing underwater for the first time ever and watching this shark approaching with its cheeky grin, its eyes sizing me up. What made it so surreal was how relaxing it was down there.

For me it was a revelation of sorts, it helped to prove to me that even though I struggle with many things on a daily basis that I am by no means a wuss. That helped put things in perspective. The truth is that I find it easier to get in the water with a 16 foot long shark than I do to face certain social situations.

That was a bit of an eye opener for me and I hope it might help others here make sense of their own situations. Just because you might struggle with things which might be second nature to many others, that doesn't mean that you are less capable or less courageous and certainly you are not less of a human being because of it.


Active member
i stood up for a friend and got knocked out with a criket bat, got me in the temple... i woke up a few hours later in hospital