What has helped your anxiety the most?


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Meditation and exercise have done the best for me.

I never got all that much out of medication, and therapy is excruciating for me because I clam up and go blank so bad around people that it felt like the therapist was getting paid to just sit there and look at me.


Well-known member
i go swimming it really helps me untense. also eating healthy food and cutting out caffiene and sugar. having a job that exposes me to the wide world and encourages interaction with local communities.


Well-known member
Alcohol, benzos, drugs, cigarettes, and forced exposure (ie. situations where I had no choice but to interact with the world).
Doing yoga, listening to music while playing pool by myself, bike rides, karate..basically any form of exercise because it helps burn off adrenaline.

For some reason for me caffeine makes me seem like I never had anxiety. Oh my god I just realized I don't think I have anxiety anymore! WOOHOO!


Well-known member
Keeping myself alive...

That and working at a restaurant everyday for the past 4 months. Then again, I find that when I'm at work, I'm still pretty damn stressed out and anxious. Being at work makes me too stressed to be depressed. At home, there's no stress, but then I'm depressed. LOL

I'm going to work out and diet though, as soon as this cold passes.


Well-known member
Getting involved in a hobby that gets me out among people. I am a part-time magician, and that has really forced me to overcome a lot of anxiety. When you perform, you're essentially doing public speaking before an audience, and according to surveys, this is one of the highest fears on most people's lists. Many people rate it over dying! So I guess If they were at a funeral they would rather be the one in the coffin than the one giving the eulogy!