what else do you fear????


Well-known member
-water, like deep end of pools
-falling, not just from heights but in general
-sometimes i feel anxious in the shower
-burning myself
-sometimes my own reflection
-eye contact
----and of course people

...anyone else?.......


-tornadoes (even the image of them)
-large unusually-shaped objects (hard to explain this one)
-certain images that screw with my depth perception (again, hard to explain)
-escalators going down
-loud noises
-roller coasters (and many other amusement park rides)
-being buried alive

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them right now.


Well-known member
Okay, I could fill pages of a thread with my fears... trying to be reasonable...

-Looking Stupid/worthless
-Making mistakes
-Some eye contact
-Not living up to expectations
-the future
-Crazy amusement park rides
-People lol
- Advanced Math
-People that like Lemur meat

(more I cant think of right now).


Well-known member
oh geeeezz... i could totally go on an on too..
dude, the whole depth perception thing i TOTALLY get, that freaks me out too lol :)
and spiders, BUGS period-- eeeew!


Well-known member
Leeches- totally agree.

Dying before living
Watching food brown while cooking/chemical reactions
Natural disasters
Family dying without knowing how much I love them
All dead things scare me a bit... Dead things = all objects
The future of the earth and suitability for humanity


Well-known member
I'm gonna leave out SA stuff since it'd be way too long of a list.

- Alot of water-related things like drowning, driving over a bridge, the ocean in general, and tidal waves. I can't watch disaster films when a huge tidal wave washes over a city, it's horrifying to me
- Spiders and house centipedes
- Standing at the base of a very tall structure and looking up
- People who are angry and loud
- Knives...they just make me tense.
- Dying, both the actual process of dying and fear of the unknown
- Reading and wondering about all of the different ways the world could/will end

Also alot of what others have said like heights and loud noises


Well-known member
Besides the usuals like people, attractive women, and rejection...

Not being able to breathe (strangulation, drowning, etc.)
Not living life well
Being deficient in some way (not [insert adjective here] enough)

Edit: I'm also starting to think I might have a slight fear of success, since I seem to do my best to never find any.
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Well-known member
-sometimes i feel anxious in the shower

...anyone else?.......

holy crap! i get anxiety in the shower sometimes, too.. when i'm going through a bad anxiety/agoraphobia phase, like now/recently, i often have anxiety before getting in the shower because i'm scared i'll feel sick or anxious while i'm in the shower and i'll have to get out with shampoo in my hair or something... it's so dumb and annoying when you actually scared of taking showers! ugh! lol..

other fears:
-probably my biggest fear is losing ones i love (mom, dad, sister, niece, boyfriend, and my dog, yes.. my dog)
-i have an intense fear of throwing up/getting sick
-scared of someone breaking in/robbing me/rapists/etc. i'm super paranoid about that kind of stuff
-spiders/bugs/any insect that's fukking fast on the ground..
-still a little afraid of elevators, but i'm much better than when i was a kid
-being trapped (like midnightstar said, in lines/red lights/etc)
-scared of something happening to whatever car i'm in and getting stuck on the side of the road
-roller coasters/most rides at theme parks or the fair

on the other hand, one thing i don't fear at all is my own death, and i'm also somewhat fascinated with natural disasters (although they are devastating =/), i'm not really afraid of heights and the dark doesn't usually scare me, only if i'm alone...

question: (if it's okay with the OP) what are some things you don't fear that most people do??
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Death - of self, family, pets
Funerals - as a social event, I'm uncomfortable with the protocols and emotions
Deep water - swimming in it
Talking face-to-face with people I'm attracted to - girl shy
Talking to Ex's - I have an unwarranted sense of shame
Talking on the phone - no visual cues
Hair in food - say no more
Job interviews - errr :[
Eye contact - with people I know, but I find it beautiful with strangers



Well-known member
Hill starts in busy traffic.
Trains with lots of school aged children on them. Takes me back to that horrendous teenage epoch.

I was scared of deep water, but taught myslef to swim as an adult, conquered that one.



Well-known member
This may sound "wussyish" for a guy, but.....I have somewhat of a fear of spiders. Like if there's one in my house I wont even want to grab a paper tower and just squish it.....instead I grab like glass spray and spray it to make sure it's dead and can't move before I grab it lol


Well-known member
This may sound "wussyish" for a guy, but.....I have somewhat of a fear of spiders. Like if there's one in my house I wont even want to grab a paper tower and just squish it.....instead I grab like glass spray and spray it to make sure it's dead and can't move before I grab it lol
dude...screw spiders, it doesn't make you tough to be able to squish a spider lol ;P
Weird that I'm afraid of big ugly nocturnal butterflies, but don't mind big spiders.

Also earthquakes.

And the possibility that Jojo77 is creating a list for the room 101.



I'm not sure but they might of been on about tv program which used to be on?

YouTube - Room 101 - Jonathan Ross - Part 1, The Royal Family Abroad.

Anyway my fears are

- I fear wasting my life due to anxiety controlling me

- Getting old and realising I wish I had done things differently

- I'm also scared of swimming in strong currents or deep places, due to having a few close calls in the past.

- Horses haha.. silly I know as they are lovely animals, but they just scare the crap out of me.

- My Mum and her health

-Having my flat taken away from me, not realistically going to happen as I have a secure tenancy, but after being homeless and just the fact it is rented, the thought of loosing it isn't nice.
Weird that I'm afraid of big ugly nocturnal butterflies, but don't mind big spiders.

Also earthquakes.

And the possibility that Jojo77 is creating a list for the room 101.

from wikipedia
"Room 101 is a place introduced in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. It is a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in which the Party attempts to subject a prisoner to his or her own worst nightmare, fear or phobia."