what do you want out of life


Well-known member
me personaly , just a gf that is sa , and doesnt feel the need to mix with the entire planet , someone to walk with talk with :) do things with , go for meals with , i have a gf in ireland but shes 1 of the most sociable people iv ever met , i do love her and she doesnt force me to to be sociable , but her house is full of people all the time , she has visitors all the time , her daughters live there , now i dont mind her daughters there nice people , but when she rings me sometimes i can hear all the laughter , with so many people in her house , and i think ... gary is that really the place for you ::eek:: dont get me wrong id love it if i was not sa ... im doing it anyway but yea im scared , what if i cant handle it .. move back to uk ..sorry for rant hey we all have our ups and downs dont we , i min i think oh ill be ok next min i think .. will i .. paranoia is taking over my bloody brain , i love her to bits but grr i dunno ::eek::
Consolidation really. My life doesn't need to be anything special, i just want what i'm "supposed to have" for example a girlfriend, job and whatever else that would make me "have a life".

It would be a relief if i didn't have to worry about these things constantly.


Well-known member
Don't fret mrb. We all go through low points where we second guess ourselves and our decisions in life. It's best to think about such things when you have a clear head, and aren't bogged down by depression.

To the original question, I would have to say I don't know. :confused:


Well-known member
i hope to find my true love :D and i hope i will be an astrophysicist some day so sa can f*** off cause i'm going to do it


Well-known member
Don't fret mrb. We all go through low points where we second guess ourselves and our decisions in life. It's best to think about such things when you have a clear head, and aren't bogged down by depression.

To the original question, I would have to say I don't know. :confused:

oh my heads clear philly .. but as you say maybe im depressed , dunno , just lately my head is dragging me down to some real dark places .. im sure ill snap out of it i usually do .. and i do wonder if i suffer from depression as of late ... hmmm snap out of it gary :cool:


Well-known member
oh my heads clear philly .. but as you say maybe im depressed , dunno , just lately my head is dragging me down to some real dark places .. im sure ill snap out of it i usually do .. and i do wonder if i suffer from depression as of late ... hmmm snap out of it gary :cool:

I'm sure it happens to many people. Depression can come suddenly and leave just as quick. Nothing even has to happen for it to come on. Just keep positive until it passes. :cool:


Well-known member
I'm sure it happens to many people. Depression can come suddenly and leave just as quick. Nothing even has to happen for it to come on. Just keep positive until it passes. :cool:

ok mate thanks im not usually like this ... sorry for the rant :)


Well-known member
To find a job that will make life feel worth while - hopefully working wth children with special needs!


Well-known member
Dude, maybe this will be good for you! Think about it. You'll basically be forced to be around people and you will most likely get used to it eventually.
Is she a good girl? If she is then you ought to count your blessings. Besides, you don't know that you'll have SA for the rest of your life so...If you two get along great and do many fun things together then I think this is a positive thing. :)

As far as what I want....I already have two things that I've always wanted.

yes i know thanks serafina .. ill be ok just had a panic attack , sorry for the vent , as you say it will be good for me , ill be forced to be social , and i think ill be ok , just feeling a bit scared at mo , and thats not like me :mad: gary gets annoyed with himself ... but thanks for post ;) your ok lol has anyone ever told you that :D iv said the same thing to lurk you mods are great ...
and thats not like me :mad: gary gets annoyed with himself ... but thanks for post ;) your ok lol has anyone ever told you that :D iv said the same thing to lurk you mods are great ...

I like how the progression of smileys there gradually goes from angry to happy. :p
I want a job that I love and that allows me to make a difference (even if it's only in one person's life), and I want to be a good wife and mother.