what do you want out of life


Well-known member
One of my goals was to be completely independent or at least close to it.

Obviously other things are that I'd like to be happy and confident. Have a relationship and possibly a family down the track.
Mainly to be happy and for all the people I care about to be happy too.

It'd be nice to make a difference and help make the world a better place but I haven't got a clue how, or where to start.

So I'd settle for the people I care about being happy and safe.

Also, Ideally Liverpool would win the League, and Brokenx would fly over from Leeds and give me a huge hug. :cool:

There is more chance of me becoming your next door neighbour then Liverpool winning the league ::p:


Hmmm, let's see. A better social life for a start. Maybe even a love life at some point.
A job I don't loathe doing.
At least 6 montghes traveling around Australia :cool:
I have a job, I have friends and a nice living situation, so the last order of business on my list is a husband and children. That's it...pretty typical I guess....but I would be happy. I'm not an extrovert so I don't want to own my own business or travel the world or anything like that. If I never leave the country, that's totally fine with me!