What are your top ten most favorite video games?


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Like the title says, what are your top ten favorite games?

Theses are mine. :3 (now keep in mind, if you have a game that you think is great and isn't on my list, keep in mind, I haven't played every single game out there. You guys can recommend games, but please don't get offended if someone doesn't like a game that you do and vice versa)

(I had to split up my post because of the image rule)


---Final Fantasy IX (PS1)---
YouTube - Final Fantasy IX Part One

By far my most favorite Final Fantasy I ever played.

As far as Final Fantasys go from the ones that I've played, I made a list of the FFs I played fully of what I like the most and the least of them (since there's so many of them, it would take days to write what I think about for all of them)

1. IX
2. IV
3. VI
4. X
5. I

The main reason why I love FFIX so much is the amazing music (which should be obvious for all FF games) and out of the Final Fantasys on the PS1, I think it has some of the best graphics. But what really makes me like this the most out of all the Final Fantasy games is the charcter Vivi. Well not just him. But the entire tribe of the Black Mages and Waltzs!


I've always been a fan of the Black Mage class, especially with the design that came out in the very first game. I have a thing for point hats. x3


---The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Game Cube/Wii)---
YouTube - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii) - Intro / Tralier

I'll admit, I had a hard time choosing between this game, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, but mainly what made me like this game more is because it was much more adult than any of the other Zelda games. Majora's Mask may be creepy but nothing from it, not even the opening, can compare to this scene.

YouTube - Creepy Zelda Cutscene
YouTube - Majora's Mask Intro (N64 to HD test)

I won't talk about graphics or the music of these games because I love the graphics for all the Zelda games I've played. They're excelent graphics for what they had to work with at the time. :3 The only Zelda game that I know of that had horrible graphics wasn't even a legit Zelda game, and that's all I'm going to say of it. I just pretend that game doesn't exist. >3<

Oh. Also for you guys asking why I didn't say that OoT is my top favorite main Zelda game. I think this vid'll sum things up for ya.

YouTube - ~Life with Navi~

I. HATE. NAVI!!! It's probably because I've memorised the entire game but... Jesus... Atleast with Tatl from Majora's Mask you could easily tune her out because she didn't actually say words. She just dinged. In a way, I think Navi is more annoying mainly because when you hear "HEY! LISTEN!" your mind is trained to listen to the conversation as much as you don't want to but with Tatle and her dinging, nothing registers in your brain so it's easier to ignore.

Thank GOD Midna wasn't annoying at all because she spoke in giberish. Infact, she's one of the coolest helpers ever, because she looks cool and she actually makes you work to what you're trying to figure out. (While laughing at you, but she's still cool in my book)


Well-known member
---Pokemon: Soul Silver/Heart Gold (DS)---
YouTube - Pokemon Soul Silver - Opening
YouTube - Pokemon Heart Gold - Opening

Ah, yes. The remakes of two (or three in this case since they meshed Crystal in the mix) masterpieces of Pokemon. And no, before you say anything, I am NOT a nostalgia-only-lover. I just think that this is the best gen that we've had so far. HOWEVER, I think that this may actually be exceeded by the next upcoming gen of Black and White. Why? Well it has a hell of a lot more of a darker story line, but I'll stick to what we have in the US at the moment. (I'll talk about Black and White later)

Now, why do I say that this is probably the best gen (other than gen 5)? Well, mainly because it actually has well animated sprites in the Crystal verison for one. Not the two sprites that are just squished and pulled like the ones we had in Emerald. Diamon/Pearl/Platinums were a bit better but they still didn't look like they were actually moving. Don't believe me? Look at these sprites.





Other than the sprites, I think that a lot of the music in the second gen were great, especially the remixes. But if any of you have every played these games, you should know the rush you'd get after hearing the first, ever, theme music for a Legendary Pokemon. Namely the Legendary Beast theme! I swear, as a kid, I was always hyped whenever I heard this theme because it would just come out of no where if you were in the same route as the running Beast and I think they did a good job revamping it to the certain Beast's characteristics.

YouTube - Pokemon Crystal: Catching Suicune
YouTube - Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver: Catching Suicune

Also. I have to say this, these were actually the first real intense Legendary battles because the Legndary Beast would actually RUN AWAY from you if you don't use a move like Mean Look or Spider Web. Hearing the nudging sound of the Pokeball is like a heartbeat from being so excited until you hear the click and them you exclai-- Erm... Well that's what I did. I shouted "YES" at the top of my lungs when I caught these guys. ^^;

Aside from the music and graphics, this is one of the biggest Pokemon games out there because there are TWO regions in the game. That's right. Instead of collecting 8 badges, you collect 16! The reason for that is because not only do these games contain their own region; Johto, but they contain Kanto from gen 1 aswell.

---Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)---
YouTube - Donkey Kong Country 2 part 1

This is one of those games where it's kind of a love/hate relationship. I mean, I love to play these games but GOD DAMNIT they're hard! Especially the Brambles. These three games had me swearing more that a sailor because they were so friggin' hard, but that doesn't change the fact that they're fun. I'm sure all of you have heard every single one of these death themes with the exception of the one for K. Rool because apparently the music wasn't put in the game right so it doesn't play when you die in battle against him.

But all that aside, even the death music is good (although the Mines STILL give me the creeps. As a kid, after hearing the theme, I thought there was gonna be some random monster that was gonna come out of no where to hurt me. o-o; )

YouTube - DKC2 - All Death Music

The sprites in the entire DKC series are good and just shows that you don't have to have everything 3D to make a game good. Just very detailed 2D sprites. :3

An interesting side note are some of the glitches in this game. Namely this one because the glitch is SO big, it can destroy you save file! Some say it can destroy you game completely and even your SNES itself but I've yet to see anything reported to be that big. The only this other than the save file itself that I've seen destroyed was the ROM when people did the glitch and their ROM's colors were completely wacky.

YouTube - DKC2 - Castle Crush Glitches Compillation


Well-known member
---Super Mario RPG (SNES)---
YouTube - Super Mario RPG opening

I didn't discover this game until recently when my boyfriend got me to play it, and I must say, I'm very glad he did show it to me because this is probably one of the only times when Square and Nintendo joined forces to create a game!

As far as spin-off series go, it's the only Mario game that I know of that's actually turnbased! 8D I love turned based games.

I thought the game was very creative with Mushrooms acting like potions, Flowers acting like ethers, and Coins acting like... coins. xD Or gil if you want another Final Fantasy reference. :3

The sprites and the music of this game are good, but the thing I like about it most is the character Geno. Well... Look at him! He was probably the most badass characters in the entire game!


---Yoshi's Island (SNES)---
YouTube - SMW2 Yoshi's Island Playthrough Part 1

This game's art style is what gets me into it because it's so cute and looks like it was drawn in crayon. :3 As far as the game play, it's so simple that I think anyone can play this game and have fun.

---Super Mario World (SNES)---
YouTube - Super Mario World Snes Walkthrough Part 1

I don't think anything has to be said about this game. It' just made of awesomeness. :3

---Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World (Wii)---
--English opening--
YouTube - Tales of Symphonia 2 - English Opening

--Japanese opening--
YouTube - tales of symphonia 2 OP JP

Some of you have probably never even heard of the "Tales of" series, but it's very good, atleast coming from playing this game. Basicly how the game works is that you make a pact with the a girl named Marta and the Dark beast know as Tenebrea. Also your journey you have to collect cores of the other elemental beasts known as Centurions. Err... Well. Instead of me explaining it, I think this vid'll help because there's a lot of explaining in this game.

YouTube - Tales of Symphonia 2 - Emil's Transformation

---Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness (DS)---
YouTube - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time Intro(Sony Vegas)

Any game that'll suck you in to play it non-stop through the night inorder to beat it the next day, is an EXTREMELY good game in my book. I know I got this game on my birthday and could not put it down even to go to bed. The story is just that good. Basicly you're a human that turns into a Pokemon in order to save the Pokemon world by joining Wigglytuff's Guild with your partner (the Pokemon species of your partner depends on which one you pick to go with after you find out what Pokemon you turn into after taking a personality test)

For me, whenever I took the personality test, I always ended up as Chikorita so I picked a Fire Starter, Chimchar.


The music in this game is just amazing and the Mystery Dungeon games tend to be a lot darker than they appear, especially this game. I don't wanna spoil it, but you guys can check out the game if you're interested. :3

---Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)---
--English Opening--
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II opening (English version)

--Japanese Opening--
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 2 Opening (Japanese)

I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen a big fan base for this series, but that's because the whole concept is pure genious. Disney meets Final Fantasy?! HELL YEAH! >8D

The artwork andd music is amazing in this game and just the fact that you can have multiple nostalgia trips by seeing your favorite Disney characters meet Sora, Donald, and Goofy is just... Amazing. I can't say anymore than that. :3

---Runners up---

---Mario Kart Wii (Wii)---
YouTube - Mario Kart Wii - intro

God damnit, as much as I don't like racing games, this game is actually adictive and easy to play because it isn't fast paced. I have a very slow reaction time because I can't think extremely fast (note to anyone suggesting Sonic games. Please don't. Those games are just WAAAAY to fast for me. Even the one for Sega. Can't play it. :/ )

---The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Game Cube)---
YouTube - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Intro

I know a lot of people are probably going to through shoes at me for having this as a runner up instead of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask but the reason why I have this here is because it's more of a spin-off game than the main series. Why? Because the Link you're playing isn't the actual Link but a decendant of him.

But just because this game is a spin-off doesn't mean that it's bad. I mean, I actually like the cutesy artstyle with Link and his cat eyes. :3 Not to mention that this game is pretty simple so it's pretty fun so you don't have to worry about getting stuck any where. Hell... It's so easy, I did the three-heart-challenge on BOTH playthroughs (Yeah this game has a New game+. You get to play as Link in his pajamas.)

---Pokemon Stadium (N64)---
I had a hard time choosing either this or Pokemon Colloseum, but eventually stuck with this game because it's one of those masochistic games where it's so hard yet you're determined to finish it. A good example of this is the Psychic in the Poke Cup, Masterball mode in Round 2. I SWEAR the Psychic's Alakazam is hacked... it's WAY too good. I managed to finally beat him, not using this team of corse (this is a different person, but ya know). I used Arcanine, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Jolteon, and Gyarados.

YouTube - Pokemon Stadium R2- Poke Cup Master Ball Battle 8 Final
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Well-known member
As far as spin-off series go, it's the only Mario game that I know of that's actually turnbased! 8D I love turned based games.

I thought the game was very creative with Mushrooms acting like potions, Flowers acting like ethers, and Coins acting like... coins. xD Or gil if you want another Final Fantasy reference. :3

Aha there have actually been more games made, the Mario & Luigi series! Started with Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga on the GBA, and then they did two sequels for the DS. They play almost exactly like SM RPG, except you control both brothers. I highly recommend them!


Well-known member
Aha there have actually been more games made, the Mario & Luigi series! Started with Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga on the GBA, and then they did two sequels for the DS. They play almost exactly like SM RPG, except you control both brothers. I highly recommend them!

Sounds cool. :3 Thanks for telling me about them. x3 I'll try them out when I can.


Well-known member
If you like Mario and turn based games, you have to play Paper Mario. I've only played the N64 game but i know there are sequels on the gamecube and wii.
As far as favorites I couldn't possibly choose between all the video games I love.


Well-known member
If you like Mario and turn based games, you have to play Paper Mario. I've only played the N64 game but i know there are sequels on the gamecube and wii.
As far as favorites I couldn't possibly choose between all the video games I love.

My brother-in-law has that game so whenever I can see my boyfriend I can play it. :3

Heh. I know there're a lot of games I like but these just stood out. I tried fitting atleast one Kirby game in there but I've really only played two of the many games.
^Holy cow :eek:. that's a lot of games Forgotten :D

In no particular order:

- Elder Scrolls Morrowind
- Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
- Halo Reach
- Halo
- Fallout 3
- Starcraft
- Brothers in Arms series

Can't think of any other ones, but I am a huge video game nerd ::p: (expected of a social phobic)


Well-known member
In no order

Sonic the hedgehog series
The world ends with you
Valkyrie profile
Valkyrie chronicles
Medal of honor(just frontline)
Professor layton series
Hotel dusk/kyle hyde series
Project zero series

Actually maybe swap valkyria chroncles for Okami


Well-known member
First of all, I have to say, I love your icon Forgotten-Children, Toothless is soo cute!

Onto games (don't judge some of them are REALLY old lol :p) Last 5 aren't really in any order

1. Have to agree with you on Final Fantasy, best game ever - FFX
2. FFX-2
4. Dragon Age
5. Pokemon Fire Red
6. The Sims
7. Dark Cloud
8. Metal Gear Solid
9. Dynasty Warriors
10. Fable II


Well-known member
First of all, I have to say, I love your icon Forgotten-Children, Toothless is soo cute!

Heh heh. x3 He sure is and thanks! 8D

Onto games (don't judge some of them are REALLY old lol :p) Last 5 aren't really in any order

1. Have to agree with you on Final Fantasy, best game ever - FFX
2. FFX-2
4. Dragon Age
5. Pokemon Fire Red
6. The Sims
7. Dark Cloud
8. Metal Gear Solid
9. Dynasty Warriors
10. Fable II

o.o I'm playing this game right now. It is pretty good. :3 Kinda like a PS2 version of The Legend of Zelda. xD


Well-known member
1. Oblivion
2. GTA San Andreas
3. Mario 64
4. NFL 2k5
5. NBA 2k11
6. Fallout 3
7. Guitar Hero 2
8. Guitar Hero 3
9. Sonic 1
10. Roller Coast Tycoon 2
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Well-known member
I thought I was the only person in the world who played Hotel Dusk :D I finished Last Window the other week, it seems like they won't be making any more, the company that made the games went bankrupt ::(:

What?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!Kyle Hydes story can't be over yet!
Some games I've played obsessively in the past, in no particular order:

The Price of Magik

up, i guess?

Might and Magic

Close Combat

Age of Empires
lol wow forgotten-children I didn't expect you to go into so much detail!

Here are mine:
-Super Mario 64
-Mario kart: Double Dash
-All the Mario Party games
-Halo Reach
-Yoshi's Island
-Super Mario Bros 3
-Burnout Revenge
-Iggy's Rekkin' Balls


Well-known member
lol wow forgotten-children I didn't expect you to go into so much detail!

Here are mine:
-Super Mario 64
-Mario kart: Double Dash
-All the Mario Party games
-Halo Reach
-Yoshi's Island
-Super Mario Bros 3
-Burnout Revenge
-Iggy's Rekkin' Balls

Well I just wanted people to know my reasoning because for games like FF9 for example, I can see a lot of FF7 fanboys getting on my case on it saying it's the worst Final Fantasy ever which I COMPLETELY disagree. Not saying FF7 is bad or anything (I can't really say much of it because I never played it), but I've seen so many people say it's the best of the best of Final Fantasy which, ironically, makes me not want to play it.

And woot on Mario games! 8D