Baldurs gate 2
Old now but back when it came out it was amazing, it was the first rpg game that was just like playing d&d In a real fantasy world. The dialogue was mainly text but it still far exceeds most of today's games story lines.
Dragon Age Origins
Bioware yet again set a benchmark for quality. The best Western rpg to come out for a long time. I just hope number two is as good and doesn't get dumbed down.
Ultima Online
I doubt many people will of heard of this. But this was the first mmorpg I played, and It came out about 10 years ago, and is still going! But this was before mmo's were big business, so there was no constant grinding for gear, if you wanted armour you had to go to a blacksmith player ect The community was great. Tehn EA took over and thigs went down hill. The pvp was great too.
Stalker shadow of Chernobyl.
This game was rushed and buggy. But after you get it stable, it is one of the most atmospheric games I have played. It's a shooter with some rpg elements. When you get wounded, you have to bandage your wounds to stop bleeding and take vodka to get rid of radiation poisoning. It's like one huge big sand box with so much to do.
i will come back and add more