What are you proud of?

Proud of losing 75 lbs to trim/tone down.
Proud of having sex with 23 women so far.
Proud of passing NCLEX
Proud of I am still healthy without sickness/disease


I am proud that I have made it to grad school and am doing well, because it really has been a struggle with SA. I am proud that I am kindhearted and compassionate. I am proud that I value differences in people and accept people who are very different from me. I am proud that I have continued to push myself and do things, even when I was not comfortable.


Well-known member
^ sums it all.. Keep going in life... Id love to make my life experience more adventurous.. When i race in autocross or go karting i feel soo alive and happy cuz my dream was to be a rally driver and a mechanic...


Well-known member
It's lame, but I'm proud of my spelling/grammar skills. I never went to high school and didn't graduate from 8th grade (due to panic disorder), so I'd say that I'm pretty lucky I'm not a complete moron. A couple of years ago, I took a few semesters at the college for a math class. Math is possibly my worst subject ever, so I felt that I needed to know more about it before I took my GED test (which I never did take in the long run, and still need to do). I scored horribly on my placement test. I think I scored in like, 4th grade math. Pretty pathetic. With my reading and language, though, I scored out of 12th grade. That made me feel good...I guess.

I'm also proud of my strong mindset. I'm weak in every other aspect, but not when it comes to my morals and convictions. I can't stand to see injustice and even though I can't change things, I still get fired up to make a difference.


Well-known member
A couple years ago I managed to lose 40 lbs with exericise and eating right. I was very proud of that. Then I gained most of it back...lol, not so proud.


Well-known member
hmmm now theres a question :) i soppose im proud of my kids being mine and all ...... there all good kids , all have good hearts just like there dad :D


proud to have found god in my life who will help me in anything. Surrender my life to his plan and not hassle too much bout everything
It's lame, but I'm proud of my spelling/grammar skills. I never went to high school and didn't graduate from 8th grade (due to panic disorder), so I'd say that I'm pretty lucky I'm not a complete moron. A couple of years ago, I took a few semesters at the college for a math class. Math is possibly my worst subject ever, so I felt that I needed to know more about it before I took my GED test (which I never did take in the long run, and still need to do). I scored horribly on my placement test. I think I scored in like, 4th grade math. Pretty pathetic. With my reading and language, though, I scored out of 12th grade. That made me feel good...I guess.

I'm also proud of my strong mindset. I'm weak in every other aspect, but not when it comes to my morals and convictions. I can't stand to see injustice and even though I can't change things, I still get fired up to make a difference.

I'd say the same. Never graduated high school but feel that I am educated... self-educated. I know much more than many people who did graduate. Even though I wasn't able to finish school, I never wanted to be stupid. I do take learning seriously.


Well-known member
I am proud of that I in the last 3 years:

  • Moved to Malta to get a new job
  • Got a lot of friends there
  • Lost 50 lbs
  • Helped my father in getting a pension after he lost his job
  • Helped my sister by taking care of her some months in Malta because she was running away from her quite sick ex-boyfriend
  • Got a girlfriend
  • Got rid of my SA
  • Got promoted in my job in Malta quite quick and got to negociate for the company on various meetings.