What annoys me about people who talk too much...


Well-known member
AGREED 4058463064 % I hate people who drag on about themselves non-stop and when you try to respond with something about yourself in comparison they look at you like theres something wrong with you. I usually just nod and say 'yeah' and then walk away after there done cause I can't stand it for a long amount of time .
And my mom doesn't stop talking too. LOL , guess it's just a mom thing.


Well-known member
I think people who talk too loud are worse. Like when you're sitting at the back of the bus and they're sitting at the front and you can hear exactly what their saying.


Well-known member
oh yes, it's frustrating. I would go to the music shop and the worker would talk to me for HOURS! I would be on the verge of madness, thinking, when will he ever stop talking ??


Well-known member
I think it's just one of those things you have to deal with. I agree that it can be exhausting because you have to sit there and nod along and you can't really drift off into other thoughts without seeming rude. However, I prefer to be around someone who talks a lot because it keeps the conversation going and there are no awkward pauses.

Plus, I am sure people get annoyed with me when I don't talk at all, and there's no much I can do about it. I try and not get annoyed with people who talk to much because I wouldn't want anyone getting frustrated with me for the lack of conversation skills. Talking a lot is just part of their nature and who they are. Of course sometimes I wish they would shut up bu I am sure plenty of people wished I would just talk.


Well-known member
One of my pet hates is people who talk too much. So much of what comes out of their mouth is drivel. They're not even talking to keep a conversation going, they're just talking for the sake of not being quiet.


Well-known member
I don't really mind people talking to me too much, about their life and stories etc. It's a sign of friendliness that they open up to you imo. Though some people might get clingy such as in your situation.

Oh well, I prefer extrovert unpretentious open and friendly people over extrovert arrogant nasty people. Same goes for introverts.


Well-known member
Maybe you exude an air of niceness that makes these people want to talk to you. If it really annoys you that they keep talking, maybe just be a bit more direct in trying to say you have to go about your business. I know that's pretty hard with some people, but you have to think of yourself as well and set some boundries.

I am personally quite amazed by people who "can't stop talking" as I can't really do that myself. Some people wear their thoughts on their sleeves. It may be a thing for older people more then younger people though. Older people are often not so uptight as young people, who still have to 'make it' in the world, and are very concerned about how they come across to others. Anyway, I do feel comfortable around these people for some reason. I guess I am a good listener and like other people taking the incentive.
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Well-known member
Yeah, mate, that is very frustrating. You need to be able to converse both ways, even if the conversation is about one person.

I actually have a problem of talking too much to avoid awkward silences and I realise that sometimes my conversations are rambled. I have to work on that and I am trying.


Well-known member
I hear ya. Two of my co-workers are like this. They are always talking non-stop and telling stories. And then I try to say something to add to the conversation and they're basically like, "ok. now back to my story!!"

I get what people are saying in that maybe these people are just trying to be friendly in telling you their stories. But honestly, I think these are the kinds of talkers who would tell their stories to anyone who would listen. One of the girls I work with is a loud talker too, like you can tell that she talks loudly as she's telling her story so that everyone within earshot can hear what she is saying. I find it quite strange.


Well-known member
maybe the guy is just lonely and you may be the only person he talked to that day?? who knows??

some times all you can do is humor a person for a while and then just nicely say you need to get back to whatever it is you are doing...simple as that..

you just never know what someone else may be going through or have gone through and a few minutes of conversation may be all they have that day.