Urgent I trusted her........


Well-known member
I don't even know what to say I'm crying, I'm beyond angry. I trusted her I fell for her. Now she's gone she ditched me because I had "to many problems" I thought once I got out of high school the bullying would be done..... No it didn't now she's threatening me and she's going to tell everyone about my schizophrenia, my autism, my severe depression....... I can't go through this anymore....... I don't know what to do anymore................. I really did trust her I was falling for her and she betrayed me.............


Well-known member
You said she's threatening to tell people about your disorders. Did she tell you what she wanted from you to keep her mouth closed?
Dude, reading that made me hurt for you! What does she want for her to keep your secret? Money? If she does tell people, DENY IT. Tell people she is making up LIES about you. Make counter accusations if it gets to that point. Do you go to school with her or work with her? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. People make up ugly rumors all the time and people know this. Hang in there man, life will go on and people will forget.
Id reccomend saying the consequences of telling everybody , blackmail is illegal and can land you in jail, very easily. Id link her some legal shit and newspages of people jailed for blackmail.
Then tell her what people will think of her for exposing somebodys most private and deep thoughts , and that people will never trust her ever again and she will lose friends.
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Well-known member
Well obviously she wasn't worth your time in the first place if she's going to be pulling that crap. I'm so sorry that you got hurt, she's.....well there's no many polite words I can use to describe people who act towards other people the way she acted towards you.

I've been there, and it hurts like hell. It really does, but just know you're better off without her. And who cares if she tells people about those things, I know it can be uncomfortable for people to know but if they're all going to be idiots about something that is NOT your fault then screw them.
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Well-known member
I wouldn't pay much attention to her, she's just casting idol threats. Pay no attention to them, if she actually did tell people about your illness if those people had any brains they would look at her as the idiot for making fun of someone who suffers in this world. I fell for a girl too and she ended up breaking up with me over the phone because she felt that I needed to improve my mental health before anything could ever work out. To be honest I took it hard, but I didn't let it beat me down, I went with the attitude that there are more fish in the sea, you just gotta keep ceasing each opportunity that comes your way, but don't push it, focus on yourself first, and getting healthy. You are more important right now than a relationship.


Well-known member
1. Learn not to care about people who don't care about you.
2. Find something, no matter what it is, positive to hold on to in your life.
3. Forget about her. As hard as it is, it's easier to just ignore her. And if people know about your mental disorders, screw them. We're all normal here. No one is perfect.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this right now. Believe you should concentrate on yourself right now. As for her, do your best to try to keep away from her and I know it's easy said than done. I've met a lot of people who placed judgements on me and it hurt deep down inside for awhile but overtime I learned to get over it. You'll become a stronger person once you heal.


Well-known member
She's definitely not worth it! I don't think anyone will make fun of you if they find out about your illnesses. It may even give you new allies, other kids that can empathize.