I suppose that is correct. Though it is more of a pervading sense of guilt and dissatisfaction. I mean, if I were to have a partner and she knew of my views on this matter, would she not blame herself as if it is somehow her own shortcoming, not mine? My views here cause quite a bit of guilt on my part. I do not have any desire to view things this way, but I see no other option. So I suppose you are correct in your conclusion.
Well, I assume you know there's nothing we can do to help you? It'd be nice to but all you'll get are other people's answers on how they think you should handle this, try to understand your feelings but ultimately this issue is always laid at your feet. You'll have great advice but at the end of the day you'll still be worrying about it. I'd suggest you talk to someone, professionally. Even if it's a counselor.
Also, in addition to the following below..when you asked a lady if she felt she missed out on being in a better relationship or if she felt it could get better in any way. Loving someone who loves you doesn't get any better because it's a spectacular feeling. There's no missing out because everything you need is in that one person. It's rare but it happens.
Sadly, there will always be self doubt, especially for us but there are ways of overcoming it for the most part. I have someone but I feel as if they're above me in some way, that my issues make me out to be this neurotic mess to them. But I love this person, he loves me in spite of it and never for a moment do I doubt that I don't deserve him. Because I have SA, depression, it's a struggle but I will not be the person to lower my standards. I might feel worthless at times but the best thing about having someone who you've placed your ultimate feelings in no matter the...social level you have them on..they will make you feel as if you deserve everything good in the world, despite. If you "settled" for someone that means your heart isn't in it and you're not going to get the fulfillment that you would. It's very hard to see how we'll ever not always feel as if things in this world are above our reach or we're undeserving in some way but if anything, we're more. Of course I could talk until I'm blue in the face :
Only you have the power to change the way you feel. Everyone is strong enough but most don't have the will power to keep the idea that change for the best is the best solution. Falling back into old habits and ways of thinking is easy but if you truly want to be happy, you'll find what it takes to do it.