Ugh...Valentines day is coming up.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Over two weeks away, but they are starting to sell those candy grams and cards at my school. I feel like such a loser on valentines day, like I'm the only one not giving or getting a card or whatever. Because I dont have a girlfriend or any friends and the worst thing I can imagine is getting a courtesy card like I did last year. Does anyone else feel like this? Whether its at school or not, its all over TV and movies and decorations. Just depressing.


Well-known member
I usually ignore it tbh. I've never had any need to remember when it is or care. Even if I was in a relationship I wouldn't particularly care, it's a bull**** money-making exercise for the card and gift companies, nothing more.


Well-known member
well, there are some anti-Valentines events online and in RL... maybe check if there's anything interesting near-by?

a bunch of friends and I planned to write and make an anti-Valentines cabaret a long time ago, too bad it only stayed with the idea.. I still think it would be cool and would definitely go to one

EDIT: okay, just google 'anti-valentines' there are some funny cards online - at least it will give you a hearty laugh..


This one is maybe a bit cruel, so I wouldn't DARE send it to anyone!! But I like the graphics (IT'S CUTE!!)

This is CUTENESS too!!

I like these too:

Also remember, all sorts of people HATE Valentine's - even the married or coupled up ones, even people who are divorced or going thru a divorce.. And some people FLAUNT the spinsterhood!! /bachelorhood!! Many coupled up people also envy singles their freedom!! etc. So, maybe just try to plan for something nice FOR YOURSELF - a hot bath or going somewhere you'd enjoy etc. Some couples even celebrate in unorthodox non-materialistic ways - some may go volunteering etc. Maybe you can think of something zany and unusual too.. And ignore the kitsch!! It will possibly still suck, you can survive it!!
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Well-known member
I usually ignore it tbh. I've never had any need to remember when it is or care. Even if I was in a relationship I wouldn't particularly care, it's a bull**** money-making exercise for the card and gift companies, nothing more.

Yes my words too. We should love each other any simple day not just 14.2. cuz some dudes what decide make money say it.;)


Well-known member
Valentines day is just another day. Think of it like that.

I've always disliked 'hallmark holidays'.... the idea of the holiday is always nice but the mentality should be had every day instead of one day a year-- and the obsessive spending is kind of disgusting.
'it's valentines day! I *have* to buy, buy, buy!!'

If you have a partner; treat them with respect and love every day of the year and not just on one day. Show them you care every day- and not just when your calendar tells you to.


not actually Fiona Apple
Honestly I usually forget it exists. They only sold flowers at my High school, but was never really influenced by it. Trust me Frank, as someone who never missed a day of school, lots of people don't partake in the festivities on V-day. In my opinion it's a holiday for elementary school kids and people in a mature relationship/adults. For the most part, teenagers don't give a flying monkey about V-day unless they have a b/g friend and then it's just some innocent cutesy gesture. It's not that you're a loser, it's that v-day is not made for people your age. Or maybe it's just that I was a loser...
Honestly I usually forget it exists. They only sold flowers at my High school, but was never really influenced by it. Trust me Frank, as someone who never missed a day of school, lots of people don't partake in the festivities on V-day. In my opinion it's a holiday for elementary school kids and people in a mature relationship/adults. For the most part, teenagers don't give a flying monkey about V-day unless they have a b/g friend and then it's just some innocent cutesy gesture. It's not that you're a loser, it's that v-day is not made for people your age. Or maybe it's just that I was a loser...

All this V-day talk is making me think VE-day.

Valentines day, eh. I can't even spell it. Doesn't annoy me at all. Just everything starts to look a lot more
pink and red.


Well-known member
I have to interject.
Valentines day is not, and was not created for money. Wasn't it because St. Valentine wrote a love letter to someone? I remember afterwards everyone would exchange names and letters, it was just a festive thing, a romantic cultural holiday.
I am greatly distressed that our culture and traditional history is being lost to those bitter and money hungry.
Is everyday supposed to be the same? Painted by work and consumption? How does that make life enjoyable?


Well-known member
I've heard that St. Valentine was involved in a massacre and the holiday was purely made up. Celebrations are one thing, consumerism is another.

The point I attempted to make was that every day should be a celebration.
You can't just treat your partner or friends like crap every day and then give them presents a couple times a year to 'prove' you care about them. It's silly.
Just be kind all the time.


Well-known member
I've heard that St. Valentine was involved in a massacre and the holiday was purely made up. Celebrations are one thing, consumerism is another.

The point I attempted to make was that every day should be a celebration.
You can't just treat your partner or friends like crap every day and then give them presents a couple times a year to 'prove' you care about them. It's silly.
Just be kind all the time.

Well that I entirely agree with. I don't understand why this wouldn't already be normal? Why be with someone who treats you like crap until a holiday?
No, I swear I learned in Latin class, he was a saint and it had something to do with a love letter. The massacre is a separate event if at all true, and has nothing to do with the holiday Valentine's is based on.
Don't you think if we celebrated everyday we'd want to sometimes make a big celebration for every one to share? A festive enjoyable time that didn't involve money and presents, so much as everyone taking part to have a good time?
Like in India, they have a day where everyone wears white and carries colour powders. It becomes a paint fight for fun throughout the whole day.
It shows it int he music video for You're my Star by Stereophonics.
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Well-known member
There is a "story" behind it yes. There was supposed to have been a several martyrs called Valentine who were honoured in feb 14th, but that doesn't mean there's any point to buying flowers, cards, chocolates, etc... on this day really.... It's a guilt trip holiday. "Buy your girlfriend/boyfriend something or you don't really love them" and lots of people do so because they either fall for it, or because it's just easier than risking upsetting your other half by not getting them anyway.

@ WeirdyMcGee - You're think of the Saint Valentine's Day massacre. That was just a murder of several people in America, criminal violence is all.


Well-known member
There is a "story" behind it yes. There was supposed to have been a several martyrs called Valentine who were honoured in feb 14th, but that doesn't mean there's any point to buying flowers, cards, chocolates, etc... on this day really.... It's a guilt trip holiday. "Buy your girlfriend/boyfriend something or you don't really love them" and lots of people do so because they either fall for it, or because it's just easier than risking upsetting your other half by not getting them anyway.

@ WeirdyMcGee - You're think of the Saint Valentine's Day massacre. That was just a murder of several people in America, criminal violence is all.

No, there isn't a point to buying flowers, cards, and chocolates. My point isn't buying them. My point is the celebration. I hear that every christmas too, more people saying they don't take part because it's just about buying spending money.
I just wish people would be happy and enjoy getting together, have a festive magical holiday without focus on the spending. The only times I see people inclined to do that is when they poison themselves.
If you're not in a relationship fine, if you are, nothing expected. Just don't kill the holiday by accepting it as a time for more economical consuming...
It's just a second day of the year to celebrate an anniversary.
But it's for everyone and not just you.

I usually pay no mind to it. I'm reminded every day of how lonely I am. A holiday really makes no difference.


Well-known member
@ WeirdyMcGee - You're think of the Saint Valentine's Day massacre. That was just a murder of several people in America, criminal violence is all.

It was an assassination of several of members of the Irish gang by Al Capone's Italian gang during the infamous Chicago gang wars in the 1920's

It was big deal, because it outraged the public and finally prompted law enforcement to take action against organized crime in Chicago

I can show you where it happened - it was on the north side on Clark Street - i'm not sure if the building is still there, though.


Well-known member
I can show you where it happened - it was on the north side on Clark Street - i'm not sure if the building is still there, though.

Funny, you don't look that old. ;)

I normally don't care for the holiday, but I had an idea about it several nights ago. But I'm keeping the fun to myself. I think it'll be fun, too. But everyone will have to wait until about the 10th.... :cool:

Mom works in a candy store, so I always have to hear about every holiday. At least I have a connection for slightly discounted fine chocolates. Like pineapple in dark chocolate. I'd kill a random person on the street for a pound of that stuff; it's that good.

*stops before he makes himself hungrier*


Well-known member
I'm sure I'll see alot of smug girls running around bragging about how they got flowers from five different guys.. pfft.

Ps. Happy Valentines to Shonen, I'm sure we'll spend it together one day soon, rolling our eyes at the smug youngins.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
I'd love to just get a card from a girl on valentines, not asking too much is it?


Well-known member
haha~ I just remembered several years in school... from kindergarten to grade 6 when kids had to hand out a valentine to every kid in their class; I never got one-- except from the teacher who would scribble on a piece of paper shaped like a heart and rush to give it to me, to keep me from feeling bad.
I wonder why? My name was on that list, too.

Was anyone else like that?
It kindof misses the point- making kids give a valentine to everyone in their class but I guess at that age, it keeps kids from getting their feelings hurt.
No, I don't feel bad about missing out on the fake and forced concept of Valentines day.
Imo, it's just a $$$$$$$$ day for the stores.


Well-known member
I like how many negative feelings a holiday that is supposed to be about love brings up. I don't like how commercial this holiday is (I feel the same way about Christmas too), but I also kind of like making things for my friends (not that I have many)...

Also, I'm really tempted to buy this card for one of my friends, but it's more passive aggressive than funny coming from me:
Hilarious, Sarcastic Friendship Valentine's Day Card for Friend / I'll Be In My Room Crying by Flytrap | Sarcastic Humorous Adult Greeting Cards, Guided Journals & Gifts