Definitely, I'll be happy just to reach inner-peace right before I die if it came to that! But if I can get it earlier, that'd be even better. I've got some of the way there already... I had to do something to move on from being the shivering wreck I was for most of my life, doubting everything I did.
Today wasn't the best of days. A conversation with a friend made me realise how different I am to most other people my age, and not necessarily in a good way. Sometimes I just feel so alien to everybody else and I look back and remember I've always felt that way. But it's okay. We're all different, we all have our own little quirks. Some people probably see me the way I see everybody else.
And when I start to feel down about one thing, I feel down about everything else too...Bah. The paranoid thoughts creep back in.
Well I can relate to this.
I feel just like I've been missing from my life for a decade. Everyone I know has a degree and a masters and some a phd and a lot have kids and a are married with a mortgage and a dog and two cars and have a milkman and a postman and a nosey neighbour Mary. I'm not even nearly in that place.
And I look back and I wonder if I made bad choices because of my issues, did they hold me back? where would I be if I'd been ok? And I question myself. Should I have accepted my place into University ten years ago? Should I have stayed in that job? Should I have said yes when my ex asked me to marry him? Should I have got on the plane to Canada in '06? Should I have continued that relationship? Have I subjected myself to unhappiness by delaying my own life?......eeemmmmmm no.
I've been dealing with my own stuff. Stuff is better, a lot better than it was. Huge scary big deal to finally send off my college app. The truth is I couldn't have done this when I was younger. I did not have the discipline and I did not have the confidence. I was frightened and I had no support and I didn't believe in myself. I didn't want it, I didn't know how to do it, I didn't know what I wanted. I was not ready. But I'm ready now and I'm happy and looking forward to this choice I've made.
As for the whole getting married, settling down and having kids, I definitely wasn't ready. If I ever do that, I want to be the best wife and mother I can be and really in order to be that, I have to get me right first. I think there's a lot of social pressure to be in a certain place by a certain age but I think I've checked a lot of boxes my friends haven't checked. I've done my mid-life crisis haha I know who I am and know what I want and I know how to get there and I'm going.
We'll all reach our destinations, we just took a different route.
You and I are very alike twiggle.