Too late?


Well-known member
I'm pushing 27 (little over a month), and still, I don't have any experience with women. Although, I've been isolating myself pretty heavily the past several months since I lost my job, so I wasn't expecting successes in that area. I'm not the most outgoing person, I actually have severe anxiety issues. Without the anxiety issues, I'd most likely be significantly more extroverted. At least, I'd imagine I'd be so.

I suppose the point of all this is I'm contemplating whether or not my lack of experience at my age is an extreme hindrance concerning physical or romantic relationships with women. Is this so? I'm assuming it to be, and this post is more than likely wishful thinking. Any replies welcome.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say it's too late. There's no time limit on learning how to talk to women. You're still in your twenties, you have plenty of time to learn how to interact with females:). There isn't much to learn, so you're in luck! Just talk to them as you would me or anyone else. Most women are nice enough that they "won't bite".


Well-known member
It's not too late, it's never too late! Sometimes when we blink things pass up by and we think that we missed something. When really in fact the more patient you are the better of something will eventually come . You're still in the 20's, don't rush things! Let it come to you naturally and it will.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say it's too late. There's no time limit on learning how to talk to women. You're still in your twenties, you have plenty of time to learn how to interact with females:). There isn't much to learn, so you're in luck! Just talk to them as you would me or anyone else. Most women are nice enough that they "won't bite".

Appreciate the reply, I'm trying to remain positive. However, being incredibly late to the "game" seems like a gigantic disadvantage. Maybe I'm making too big of deal out of it all, it's hard to have perspective when there is a complete lack of experience, I guess.


Well-known member
Do something about it.

I also thought it would come naturally and now I am over 40 and it hasn't come yet.


Well-known member
Do something about it.

I also thought it would come naturally and now I am over 40 and it hasn't come yet.

Yeah, I know, I want to change before it's too late. Not saying there is a set age, but someone's odds significantly decrease the older they get (losing their virginity). Of course, this won't apply to every single person, but I still want to get out there when I'm relatively young and fresh.


Well-known member
If it hasn't happened by now then you have to force it like I did if you want it to happen. You'll have to make it happen.

I lost mine by doing online dating and meeting up with a below average looking woman, so you may have to lower your standards.

I know that sounds weird, but if you want to lose your virginity soon enough, that's the way to go. Either that or bars and parties and try to go up to women and talk to them over and over again. That's something i can't do without friends. Even with friends, I am not comfortable at all approaching women.

I honestly wouldn't recommend waiting, because life is too short. Before you know it you'll be 40 and tons of women will be married and you'll have less options.

I looked at the virginity thing as something to just get out of the way, get the mystery over with. Maybe that's just me.

I also believe that a guy usually has to have prior relationship(s) before he gets married. It's kind of rare to see people who marry the first person they have sex with. The average person has sex with like 6 or 7 different people in the world.

I saw a video on a professor who studied love shyness and he said a big reason why guys like me struggle to get with women is because we try to wait for love instead of having prior relationships before marriage. The reason you see so many people getting married is because they've gained confidence from prior relationships. Success breeds confidence.
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Well-known member
It's never too late. There are many women who realise that time is marching on and only start seriously considering a relationship around the 30 mark! There is no prerequisite age. In fact, I have known of several girls who were approaching 21 that preferred an older man in their later 20s or early 30s. So, they are there, you just have to go fish them out. As per your experience, don't worry about that either. Some women feel uncomfortable with a season veteran and can actually feel it carries too much baggage and expectation on their part. Just a thought.


Well-known member
Pushing 27. Crikey next stop it's the old age home for you. Buy a walking frame right now.


Don't care what anyone says, but i'd suggest just paying for a hooker. Get kind of drunk if you want and just do that. You'll feel better afterwards.

craigslist casual encounters ;3

btw if you're scared to do that, remember she's just there for your money she does not care if you just wanna get straight to the point and do her. No need to be freaked out about this. win/win ^________^
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