too good to be true?


Well-known member
Be skeptical of products which try to instigate to buy before you know what it is... of any kind - i'm so full of seing thid kind of landing page ...

Depression itself is not just a matter of will , it's an imbalance of your body hormones you need to seek medical help. How do i know it? mom has it and i was the one to convince her to see a doctor, she got better after that.


Well-known member
It's a load of bollocks! I mean if it worked there would be no depressed people in the world, mental health professionals would be out of work, and drug companies would go bust!

I wish it would be sure in three minutes though!


Well-known member
You guys are wrong! I bought this and I got cured of my depression....all it took was 3 minutes!! It is worth every penny guys!! Don't be skeptical!!!

Oh, and I'm not like being sarcastic or anything. Honest! This man is a genius. :lol:


Well-known member
KurtG85 said:
If I ever see that guy on the street I will punch him in the face. I swear to God.

Yeah, seriously. Profiting off other people's misery and desperation. This guy is a real scumbag. It's sad that there are people who would do something like this.


Well-known member
As much as it's advertised as another "quick fix" for something important in life, I will not be surprised to see a string of follow up products offered by this jackass.

Same shit with the dating how-to people. There's always a "better" product after another, until you realize they're charging customers about a 1000 bucks total for what they could compress in a single book. Most of their stuff is NOT original.

PS It seems like all the quick fix scam artists use the exact same format to advertise their products. It's always a single page with a long, narrow margin of text running in the middle with a lot of highlighted phrases used to catch your attention. The seller's personal signature is usually at the bottom (BTW it's not their real name most of the time). I wonder if they all got their format from the same source, seriously. They probably did, although I'm too lazy to look into it right now.
Hmm the only thing what I find interesting is D.R richards therapy tapes.
And this website doesnt excist anymore, I think only really intensive help can help us.
We need help from professionals, not just a product, miracles aren't true.
I wish they were ::p: