this sucks! i never had a girl in my whole life!


Well-known member
I think there may have been a misunderstanding.

I don't think anyone was trying to lessen your problem lonely or anything.

A lot of people are quite angry at themselves because of their SP, including myself, so they could just be finding faults in others, if you see what I mean. ;)

A lot of people on here probably want to lose their virginity, or at least be relaxed enough around someone to have sex. So I think it boils down to people being jeolous of you. I hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes, but this is how I see it. :roll: I just think the wrong words may have been said. It's difficult to understand someone without seeing their facial expression. For all you and I know they could have been crying when they wrote that.

I'm sorry but I haven't heard your story before. I hope you find someone though. :)


Active member
29 and counting...

Hi everyone, I'll be 30 in a few months and I've never even gone on a date. I keep falling in love, and it takes me a long time to work up the nerve to tell the woman how I feel, and every time it turns out she has a boyfriend already. (But it's not like she bothers reassuring me that she would be into me if she was single; that would help things a lot if a woman did.)

So it seems like everyone my age has been in at least one relationship. Never having been allowed into the world of romance, I feel like a second-class citizen, and it really hurts. I have been told a couple times that I am good-looking (my female shrink described me as "very handsome"), but that hasn't helped at all. The only explanations I've gotten so far: I haven't asked enough women out ("It's a numbers game")-- so geez! how many more rejections do I have to go through? and the other explanation (from my female shrink) is that I'm too nervous, and therefore don't come off as a Big Strong Alpha Male Provider of Security, which apparently is the only thing that can possibly turn women on.

It's a little nice to find some other people here who have similar problems, since romance seems to be abundant everywhere I look, except with me. Turn on the radio, there's usually a love song; watch a movie, it usually has a romance and at least one sex scene; go out in public, and there's usually Public Displays of Affection (or, as I call them, Ostentatious Displays of Exclusivity) all around.

I'm on anti-depressants, but I still often feel bleak and hopeless. (I'd never commit suicide, though; I'm scared of death.)


I'm about to turn 21 and I only been out on a couple of dates, with one girl. It didn't work out and now I feel hopeless. I want to have a g/f but I can't just open up and start talking to girls. This sucks.


Well, if it could make you feel better - I'm 21 years old and have never dated a boy before.
Hardly spoken to someone. And that would be a sentence or two..

Yep.. But it's okay! I got Prison Break - Wentworth Miller.. :wink: :lol: *lol*

I don't know if I someday futher down the line would be in a relationship with a boy.
Before I hoped, but now I don't know anymore.
Most of the guys are married or engaged for sure, at my age, I think.
And who could possibly want me?
And another important thing - I have to like the guy to! It can't just be one way.
Can it happen to me?... *wondering* :roll:


Well-known member
Tori86 said:
Yep.. But it's okay! I got Prison Break - Wentworth Miller.. :wink: :lol: *lol*

hehehe, is it bad that the only reason I watch Prison Break is because he's in it? :lol: :lol:

(sorry to be OT! :wink: )
im 16 and never had a boyfriend
im so embarassed about it and no one knows this not even my friends.
i hate it so much when my family ask me about boys nd stuff, my sister who is 14 has her bf round all the time and i feel so stupid cos im older than her and ive never brought a boy home or anything
my dad says to me ur not interested (in having one) are you?and i just say no but in my head im like YES!!! OF COURSE I AM!!!! they all probably think im a lesbian or something, not that theres anything wrong with lesbians lol


Well-known member
everything_ends said:
im 16 and never had a boyfriend
im so embarassed about it and no one knows this not even my friends.
i hate it so much when my family ask me about boys nd stuff, my sister who is 14 has her bf round all the time and i feel so stupid cos im older than her and ive never brought a boy home or anything
my dad says to me ur not interested (in having one) are you?and i just say no but in my head im like YES!!! OF COURSE I AM!!!! they all probably think im a lesbian or something, not that theres anything wrong with lesbians lol

i'm convinced my mum and some of her friends think i'm a lesbian aswell :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
they keep asking me wether i have a boyfriend yet or not :roll: :lol: :lol:


Guys, let me help set some things straight.

I'm 27 years old, did not have a real girlfriend until January 2007.

Your self worth DOES NOT come from having a girlfriend/boyfriend. If you are looking towards them for your salvation, then you are sore mistaken.

I understand your lonliness, and can sympathize. But the grass isn't greener! If you don't take care of yourself first, then you'll end up like a tick on a dog.

Being a christian, I would point those suffering to Jesus Christ, but I realize that the answer won't be very accepted by all.

All I can on yourself first! However long it or having a boyfriend/girlfriend will not solve all your problems.


23 year old man and never had a girlfriend the worst thing is never having had sex, I have to rely on porno. :(


tupac said:
this has been pissing me off for a long time now. im 19 years old and never had a girlfriend because of SA. i have HH on top of that which makes it even worse. it seems like im the only one that doesnt know what its like to even go on a damn date. shit i dont even have any friends that are girls.anyone else been single their whole life? can anyone relate at all?
even me i am 19 and i never had agirl friend