Well-known member
Right now, it's impossible to determine exactly how many US dollars exist in the world,....
then it probably wouldn't hurt if i made a few of my own
i just got a new laser printer
Right now, it's impossible to determine exactly how many US dollars exist in the world,....
then it probably wouldn't hurt if i made a few of my own
i just got a new laser printer
For example, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed's board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed. Moreover, JP Morgan Chase served as one of the clearing banks for the Fed's emergency lending programs.
In another disturbing finding, the GAO said that on Sept. 19, 2008, William Dudley, who is now the New York Fed president, was granted a waiver to let him keep investments in AIG and General Electric at the same time AIG and GE were given bailout funds. One reason the Fed did not make Dudley sell his holdings, according to the audit, was that it might have created the appearance of a conflict of interest.
people like us would have been in thrown in jail for much less
Regular old newspaper fools those little marker things they use to find out if it's counterfeit.
Is it compulsory to vote in New Zealand?New Zealand's general election is this Saturday.
I'll vote. It's my duty as a citizen to vote. But I won't expect it to make any difference.
My father says of democracy that at least it ensures an orderly succession.
I don't really have a view. Voting is compulsory in Australia so I've always had to go. I will say that getting your name marked off at voting booths is compulsory, but filling out the ballot paper isn't, so I've been leaving them blank for the last couple of elections.Enrolment is mandatory, voting isn't.
(I hadn't known, and had to look it up, and discovered some interesting arguments for and against compulsory voting on the way. What's your view?)
I'm just too bad. >:]^Let off on a technicality.![]()
If you’re looking for a candidate who will follow the Constitution, Beitler should have your vote. Beitler would end the American bloodshed overseas by ending the US occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries. A foreign policy of interventionism has led to trillions of dollars in debt and the loss of thousands of lives. Dr. Beitler presents the only viable solution to this problem whereas his opponents both favor continuing the endless occupations in countries thousands of miles away, which pose no threat to our national security. Dr. Beitler supports a full audit of the unelected Federal Reserve and would push to abolish it. He would also abolish bureaucratic monstrosities like the IRS and the Department of Education. He would call for a repeal of the 16th Amendment and the abolishment of the income tax, which drains citizens of their wealth and labor. fully endorses Dr. Beitler in the 2010 North Carolina Senate Race. Please visit Dr. Beitler’s campaign website
I don't know what the Department of Education does
Not a whole lot. They get around $70 billion each year to make policies and throw money at things. They don't actually run schools or anything.
The GOP platform read: The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning.
I would also like to add, Nathaniel, while I'm very happy you posted these links, and it's good to know more about what's happening 'out there', that the Unelected site seems to promote a wish to end the Federal Reserve (which I don't know enough about to comment properly) and they also seem to promote people with some other possibly 'iffy' concepts/agendas like NC Libertarian Candidate Dr. Mike Beitler NC Libertarian Candidate for Senate Polls 10% |
I am very sceptical of 'libertarian' concepts, it is a wide movement with many 'shades' of beliefs and concepts, as far as I know they are very much for 'free trade' and a minimum of/no regulations, which has also gotten the world in a poor environmental state.
I don't know what the Department of Education does, some people online have been calling for an end of 'free education' for kids though, which can be a dangerous concept!! In India, there are some areas with slavery, and some kids are not allowed to go to schools, because people who can read and have an education are less likely to be willing to be slaves.