Things to do for fun by yourself out of the house


Active member
I don't have many friends, none that I'm very close to, and often, especially on the weekend, I find myself wanting to get out of the apartment and do something, but I don't know what to do. Sometimes I'll go biking or go for a walk but that only lasts for so long. Going to a movie seems kinda pointless since it's basically sitting in front of a screen which is what I do all day at home anyway. So I was hoping to get some ideas from fellow SAers.

What do you do for fun when you want to get out but have no one to go out with?


Well-known member
I want to get into parkour or free-running to give me something to do as well as cardio workout. Just don't know where to start lol


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I live near a lake so I go kayaking on my days off. It's about the only time I feel at peace.

I went kayaking for the first time in March and I thought it was fantastic. I envy you for living near a lake.

And hello and welcome! I've been posting on boards for about 10 years now. Very gradually, it's gotten easier for me. I don't stress completely the hell out about every post I make now. Progress! ::p:

Real life seems to be lagging behind that a bit, but I am a patient creature.


Well-known member
When lacking in company, I have done everything from travelling to another city and siteseeing, clothes shopping, window shopping, shopping for food ingredients to cook something nice, scenery photography, coastal walks, park walks, movies, going to museums and art galleries. It can get boring but it's better than sitting at home. The most interesting would be photography because I used to always want the perfect shot and you just get lost in the moment.


Well-known member
shop, hike, photography, art, library- check out a cookbook and pick a good looking recipe to try, roll around in the grass with the dogs, all of the above things everyone else posted. :)


Well-known member
I share your anguish! I really fact, I was thinking of posting the same question last week...

Some of the things I love to do by myself:

- long drives
- long jogs
- bouldering
- Like Dottie said, cooking (buy a cookbook and cook something different each day)
- Photography (go out and take some pictures and show them to us!)

I would suggest other things, but...for me at least, I can't have too much fun doing something by msyelf. Sooner or later, no matter how fun that drive is or how exhilirating that jog is, I eventually come across couples and friends and can't help but feel lonely and sad...and it's not because I want to be miserable, it's because I WISH I could be like those people, but try as I might, I can't...I can't make friends, and even when I do, I can't keep them.


Well-known member
I live near a lake so I go kayaking on my days off. It's about the only time I feel at peace.

I mainly bike/jog and the occasional sports climb, but some friends introduced by to kayaking about a month ago. It was the closest I've come to hitchhiking in my life. We were still in the water at 1 in the morning. Some had to ride ahead of the main group to reach cars faster because some of us( that would be me) are too slow. I flipped about a dozen times. Even though the temperature was in the high 90s we finally had to stop and make a fire because I couldn't stop shaking. At one point I got swept under a pile of wood and had to be "rescued" by others. Go land sports!


We really have the same feeling but there are things I can do on my own that could also be fun and fulfilling. Strolling or nature walks while taking pictures is on top of my lists. I also enjoy kayaking in a lake near our town or any outdoor sports. I also like watching movies, park walks and and shopping.


Well-known member
Sometimes I go and wander around Wal-Mart, but that's not fun. I wish I could go urban exploring, but that would be done best with friends.