Things That Make You Cry


Well-known member
Well actually, I never really cry. I might be emotionally affected, but I never cry... Anyway, the saddest thing I've ever watched is the documentary the Earthlings, which is about extreme animal cruelty. It felt kinda weird when I ate pork later the same day... Also, I think I got a little teary at the end of Gladiator and Arn: Kingdom at the Road's End.
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Well-known member
I'm really not much of a crier but certain songs give me a lump in my throat as if I'm about to cry. There are songs that remind me of a time in my life when my mom was strong, alive and in the prime of her life. Now that she's gone whenever I hear a song from that era (for some reason, Dionne Warwick songs more than any other), I'm instantly transported back to that time. I can even think of one day in particular when me and my brothers were helping her pack up some cosmetics (she was an Avon rep for a little while), I can even still smell some of the perfume she would sale and wear.