'There will always be somebody who doesn't like you' - true?


Well-known member
Toad said:
MadCat said:
And calling someone a fool because they don't see your opinion is positive? rofl..
No...I was calling anyone who truely believes no one loves them a fool...please read my posts before jumping on me next time. The "you are a fool" was more of a global you not really directed at anyone...sorry for the confusion.

Well he apologised at least...

Judging by his posts, Toad doesn't seem to be the sort of person to insult others if their opinons don't much upto his.


Well-known member
I'm not even in the mood to start doing this again. He apoligized for confusion, not for what he said...and yet his explanation didn't fix anything but make his situation worse.

I'm REALLY not in the mood. Whatever was said, forget it...I just didn't like being called a fool.

Like I said, that type of outlook is done by society that doesn' understand mental illness or anything else..

I'm done with this thread.


Well-known member
In my experience in many situations, such as different situations in the Army, a Tae Kwon Do class, etc., there is almost always someone who just seems not to like me and is not at all afraid to let me know it in various ways. Screw them.

I'm me...accept me as I am. OK, OK! As a SPic it's not quite that easy to ignore them. Yes, it does bother me at least a little.


Well-known member
Sometimes people tell me that "not everyone will like me" or something like that... but is that really true? Am I crazy to think that if you keep quiet, carefully choose which people to interact with, and sort of "be a chameleon" around people (sorry for lack of better words), that you /could/ be liked by everyone? (well, everyone you know at least)
what other people think of you is none of your business. I don't know how many times I've been hurt by second hand information. It happens like this; a well meaning friend shares something he heard so and so say about you. The "friend" should have kept quiet. You get angry or hurt or both. What makes it worse is that the information is never accurate. The "friend" is paraphrasing something he heard from a second hand source. It's kind of like...chatting!
there will be ppl who wont like, but unless u have to stand those ppl.. u wont.. and thats why yhey'll be ppl who love u! :)


Well-known member
I don't think it's possible for anyone to ever be liked by everyone. I don't even try to be liked by everyone, I just don't want to be hated by people.


Well-known member
You can’t please everybody and just because people don’t want to be your friend it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like you either. It is hard to maintain friendships, there’s a lot of people I have come across that I have thought were nice, but didn’t befriend them because I knew I couldn’t maintain the friendship. I like to keep things simple. ::eek::


Well-known member
Well don't think of it as anything personal, it's just human nature. You'll never be liked by everyone and if you are, tell us the secret. Better yet, scratch that. I like the haters :rolleyes:


Active member
Nope you won't and who cares really??? You just stay away from them and find people who do like you!
Some people don't like me because I was a skater girl ::(: I had short hair and skater clothes on.. But now I changed and they don't even notice that I was that :D But I don't like them because they judge too fast..


Well-known member
Oh man I can relate. I saw a therapist last year and he said I was a chameleon, like driftwood in the water. Being disliked is VERY scary for me. I wish I knew who I really was. Learning what I like to do is a start I guess.


Well-known member
hey were all diffrent we cant all get on , some may like you others might not understand you , as i said were all diff , some people in real life and on here probably dont like me much , but thats just life , all we can do is just try to get on with eachother ...i dont dislike anyone here or anywere else .... well apart from a few members of my family , but i wont bore you with all that ......
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Well-known member
Nah, there will always be someone who doesn't like you, I think. Even if you're the nicest person around, there will be that one person who doesn't like you because you're TOO nice.


Active member
I've started a thread here like this before. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I get this more than I'd like to admit, where somebody just starts hating me for no reason, and I wonder what I did or why they see me in such a bad light that they feel the need to do that. I can't figure it out.