in a VAN down by the RIVER
It's too late for me. There is no going back.
Once you know how the illusion of the magic trick is made it's not exciting anymore.
But it does blow my mind that there are many people out there who will never even know what an existential crisis is let alone experience one.
It's the worst. It's the only time in my life that I understood how someone could... you know. If there are people who live with THAT level of blackness everyday, then it's no wonder they look for the escape hatch. I honestly think it would take me about a week, if that.
I like to think that we give our lives meaning, which isn't much of a condolence when you have social phobia, true. But I can still appreciate the things I do have, even if the things I want don't want me. It's what you love, not what loves you, right?