Suicidal Hypocrites


People who wants to end their own life, do they have the right to tell someone who is suicidal not to end theirs? So selfish or self-less that they're willing to accept that their life is more expendable than the other person; If one should go it should be them? Cause apparently they have it worst >:\ *rolleyes*

I honestly can't take it seriously if someone in that state of mind tells me not to kill myself because I will be fine; that my problems aren't that bad. And theirs is... And what If I feel the same way about that other person, and said the same sh1t back to that person, but instead they turn a blind eye and try to kill themselves anyway. It doesn't make any sense at all... =_=
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Well-known member
Are you sure the reason they don't want you to kill yourself is because they don't think your problems are bad as theirs & think their problems are worse than yours? Maybe they don't want you to kill yourself because they feel bad about it. I've been very suicidal but have still practically begged some of my online friends who felt the same way not to kill themselves because I, & a lot of other people, would miss them if they did. I know that might sound hypocritical, since I'm feeling the same way, but it isn't telling the other person that they shouldn't kill themselves because their problems are meaningless & less than mine & they have no reason to, it's just out of concern & not wanting them to do it. Are you sure that's not how the other person feels?

(I hope that made sense-- I haven't slept all night lol)


Well-known member
Those people are lost and have no buisness to tell you anything tell them they're preaching to the choir because you know all about those thoughts.


Well-known member
Just because someone is suicidal themselves doesn't mean they dont hae compassion for someone else! Suicide is a very selfish thing where you get to the point that you don't care what anyone else thinks, in your head it's the only way out, the only way to feel totally happy! Not everyone who becomes suicidal is at that point, some people try to kill themselves with the hope that they will be discovered. I guess what i'm trying to say is that don't dismiss anyones offer to help. They may be feeling suicidal themselves but that doesn't mean they don't care about your life!


Just because someone is suicidal themselves doesn't mean they dont hae compassion for someone else! Suicide is a very selfish thing where you get to the point that you don't care what anyone else thinks, in your head it's the only way out, the only way to feel totally happy! Not everyone who becomes suicidal is at that point, some people try to kill themselves with the hope that they will be discovered. I guess what i'm trying to say is that don't dismiss anyones offer to help. They may be feeling suicidal themselves but that doesn't mean they don't care about your life!

Yes I understand that completely, everyone seem to be having this love for everyone else but not themselves. But I guess I'm trying to say that if someone that stopped you said some encouraging stuff to you to make you believe that life is worth living. And when its their turn in the hot seat, and you try to be the one who will convince them about their worthiness; but they are so full of it that they don't even care what you say cause they believe its all LIES! So why should you believe them in the first place? If they're not willing to believe what you say, why should you? I don't think they should be encouraging anyone, they have no right to say life is going to get better. The only thing they can do it is...
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Well-known member
Yes I understand that completely, everyone seem to be having this love for everyone else but not themselves. But I guess I'm trying to say that if someone that stopped you said some encouraging stuff to you to make you believe that life is worth living. And when its their turn in the hot seat, and you try to be the one who will convince them about their worthiness; but they are so full of it that they don't even care what you say cause they believe its all LIES! So why should you believe them in the first place? If they're not willing to believe what you say, why should you? I don't think they should be encouraging anyone, they have no right to say life is going to get better. The only thing they can do it is...

Nack, at the end of the day no matter what anyone says to you, if you are suicidal then you will take your life! I personally think if you go looking for reasons not to do it then you don't want to do it! Suicide is a powerful emotion and if you want to kill yourself then you will no matter what anyone else says!


Yea, in the end every ****ing thing in the world isn't going to matter anyway so... there is no use whining about anything at all. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere, I'll look at the world like this from now, (=_=). And i'llstop giving a **** about anything anymore.


Nack, at the end of the day no matter what anyone says to you, if you are suicidal then you will take your life! I personally think if you go looking for reasons not to do it then you don't want to do it! Suicide is a powerful emotion and if you want to kill yourself then you will no matter what anyone else says!

I honestly believe that most people don't really want to die. They just want to stop hurting. Just to break away from the pain they feel is overwhelming them. So if a suicidal person tells you not to kill yourself it's because they know thats not the right answer, and it's not what they would want for themselves.

Besides, watching someone else die is depressing. Who would want to see life wasted in such a fashion?

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Other people value your life even at the times you don't.

I compare it to when one of your friends is dumped and becomes heartbroken. Not I think being heartbroken is the same as feeling suicidal but hear me out. What I'll do is to try and cheer him up, you'll get over it, there are plenty of more fish in the sea, she's no good for you etc. This of course becomes no help whatsoever when the tables have turned and I've been dumped, have that gut-wrenching feeling inside and it hurts to even breathe -because I can't think straight. It's your friends duty to make you feel better and to try and snap you out of it, to look out fo each other when you're vulnerable. I don't think it's at all hypocritical.


Super Moderator
Those people are lost and have no buisness to tell you anything tell them they're preaching to the choir because you know all about those thoughts.

And what if those people care about him and they don't want him to die? :/ Remember that people will not always go preaching. If a friend of mine killed themselves, I would probably consider the idea too, because I wouldn't stand the pain. I don't think that people who are suicidal truly wants to kill themselves, they just want to stop suffering and death seems to be the only available option... and if they talk about it it's because they want to be helped. Or at least in some cases.


Super Moderator
If i tell someone not to end their lives it's because I care about them. I don't think I have it worse (actually, I think my problems are pretty stupid), I just don't want to see the other person suffering and I want to help them. I might not be too stable, but that doesn't mean I don't care about others. I hate seeing others in the same situation.


Well-known member
Suicidal people don't want to kill themselves. If they wanted to, they'd just do it. The truth is that they just want other people to pay attention to them and either help them or understand their pain. But other people can't help them. How could I really help any of you? How could any of you really help me? How can a real change be made? Changes involve real feelings, real thoughts, real actions, and those changes must be made in the real world, by ourselves.
Suicide is the least creative solution a person could find. It's like... you feel hungry, but you don't feel like cooking. You don't even know how to cook, in fact. But you don't want to learn. And so you decide to starve to death. How stupid would that be? Can't you eat a sandwich instead? Can't you buy one? Can't you steal one? Can't you find something else to eat? Can't you learn to cook?
Suicide is not a solution to anything. Some things might not work in your life, and they might never work, but that doesn't mean you can't live a decent life without them. You know, if you can't own a farm full of animals, that doesn't mean you can't have only one dog or one cat and be happy anyway.
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FYI I'm not suicidal, I have thoughts sometimes; but i'm sure everybody do when they feel bad. But never will I do such thing, its a bit too extreme on my part. You know when people feel really bad they hurt themselves, they hurt others, etc. Well for me this is all I can come to some depressing board to rant. This was just one of those questions that's been bugging me. I just needed some insights.

And I don't think you guys are understanding the point of what I'm trying to get across.

If a friend cares about your life, they would care enough not to take theirs because whats what point of saving your life if they go and kill themselves anyway thus hurting you.

So....Meh :\


Well-known member
If a friend cares about your life, they would care enough not to take theirs because whats what point of saving your life if they go and kill themselves anyway thus hurting you.

I would argue that someone who commits suicide probably doesn't consider that their actions might hurt you - they are just trying to escape their own pain.


Well-known member
I've been at the precipice of suicide. I truly wanted to die and I went the whole nine yards in my planning to make sure it'd happen. I won't go into gratuitous detail about my plans and how they went awry. Suffice to say that due to a fluke chance I'm still here to type this message. I never tried again after my one, secret failure. If I had tried again, I would have most certainly succeeded.

Most people probably do not want to die. They might say they do, they might make half-assed attempts--but if you really want to die, you do it, you don't talk about it. If you talk about it, then it means you're not sure, and that means you don't want to die.

Speaking personally--I knew it was a last resort option and probably not a great one. In my head it was just a logical choice. A solution to a problem. This is even how I described the choice in my last letters.

But just because I wanted out this way, it's wasn't something I wished on anyone else. It was a hard decision for me and I spent a long time thinking about it. It warred with every natural instinct.

I would not have told someone else suicide is not the answer, because obviously I didn't think that was true. But I would have tried my best to dissuade them form that choice. Just like I'd tell you not to smoke cigarettes, or to always drive with your seatbelt on. It is just what you do--you give people you love the best advice and support you can. What is right for me is not right for you. Just because suicide was my choice, doesn't mean it's a good choice for you. Just because I happen to have made that choice myself, doesn't magically make me incapable of advising against it for you. It didn't suddenly make me a suicide advocate.

If a friend cares about your life, they would care enough not to take theirs because whats what point of saving your life if they go and kill themselves anyway thus hurting you.
Again, only speaking personally here, but what you ('you' as in my friends, not you 'Nack' specifically) felt was secondary to how I felt. Replace the emotional torture with physical torture. Pretend I'm a character in 24 and Jack Bauer is going to work on me. Do you still expect me to endure--what do I owe you that I would endure such pain for you?

Suicide is a selfish choice--but so is everything we all do all the time. Humans are selfish creatures when you get down to it; we have to do what's best for us. We obviously have obligations to other people and some ties are much stronger than others. A mother committing suicide is decidedly more selfish than a vagabond doing the same. Those ties make all the difference. We constantly balance our innate selfishness, that instinct to better our own selves, against the stronger ties of love and friendship.

So I think there is a threshold. For me, the threshold was low. I had little obligations. I wasn't a father, I wasn't taking care of a sick parent, I didn't even have a loving partner who might be crushed at my sudden disappearance. My only purpose was basically to be alive for the comfort of others. That is to say, the only barrier that existed was the desire not to hurt or let down my friends and family. In the end, I concluded this was not a good enough reason. It was like an equation: My own emotional torture on one side, and the pain my death might cause on the other. (You can begin to see the twisted logic that ultimately led my depressed mind to the choice of suicide!).

Anyway, I'm not saying this is how everyone thinks (it probably isn't!), but this was what what I was thinking about.


Well-known member
All I know is that one of my friends has had by far the ****tiest life imaginable (we are talking, abducted by child murderer and buried alive at the age of 5 ****ty) and when she tells me that things could be worse and not to be sad, i ****ing listen


Well-known member
There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling someone not to kill themselves while you, yourself, are suicidal.

My friend had a nasty breakup with his fiancé last year, yet still had to share an apartment with her for months. He had mental breakdowns, and at multiple times asked me for help with his suicidal thoughts.
I told him not to do it; and when I told him that, I was going through one of the worst depressive episodes of my entire life, which means that I was also more suicidal than I had ever been.

Was telling him not to kill himself the wrong thing for me to do, because it was hypocritical? What the **** was I supposed to say to him then? "Oh, yeah! I want to kill myself too, lets go find a bridge together!"

I wanted to die, I didn't want him to do the same thing.

And I am going to make a statement not targeted at anybody in particular: do not make general statements about suicidal people, thay will almost always be false and could lead to a dangerous line of thinking.