Stupid dark circles under eyes.


Well-known member
How do I get rid of them? They are so annoying:mad: I think I've had them for months and they're not going away. One person said it's because I'm skinny and that the layers around my eyes are thinned or something


Well-known member
There's a lot of factors that can cause dark circles under the eyes. Genetics, some people are more prone to having a thin layer under the eye, poor sleep, poor diet, allergies, stress, etc. I have always had very dark circles under my eyes and unfortunately there's not a whole heck of a lot I can do about it since it's caused from genetics (On my dad's side; everyone has them). The best thing I can do is wear makeup and eye creams. Sure neither one solves the problem 100% and you can still somewhat see it, but it's the best I can do.

You say you've had yours for months, so I'm assuming it's not caused by genetics...? Do you have trouble sleeping? What's your diet like? Maybe try getting more sleep, changing your diet a little by incorporating more fruits and vegetables (tea helps too!), and getting some exercise will help.

Well-known member
Do you have trouble sleeping? What's your diet like? Maybe try getting more sleep, changing your diet a little by incorporating more fruits and vegetables (tea helps too!), and getting some exercise will help.

Yep! I had them also - still do to an extent, but exercise, good amount of fresh fruit and veg (also found cranberry helped too for some reason) and getting better sleep helped a fair bit.


Well-known member
I have this too. Although I have no sleeping pattern and my diet consists of: Coca Cola and Pasta.

I guess I'm to blame...but I'm stuck in my ways after living like this for the past 6 months :s


Well-known member
Yep! I had them also - still do to an extent, but exercise, good amount of fresh fruit and veg (also found cranberry helped too for some reason) and getting better sleep helped a fair bit.

^Yeah, this. I've dark circles too but eating fresh fruit and veg and having a better sleep pattern helps. I wish I could stick to them though.


Well-known member
I've had dark circles since I grew into a sleep disorder at age 6.

I use concealer- brighten up the inner corner of my eye with a bit of white highlighting pencil. Job done.
Then I only have to worry about the rest of me looking tired and sick.


Is this for the elderly, and not enough sleep?

I was surprised to see this in my clinical psychologist who came to visit this week for the first time. Maybe he's a bit tired... hungover. About 20


Well-known member
I use concealer- brighten up the inner corner of my eye with a bit of white highlighting pencil. Job done.
And what do I do if I'm a guy and I can't use make-up?::p:

Anyway I have dark circles under eyes to,I believe it's genetic for me because I have fair skin.Also I sometimes make it worse when I sleep to much or to less,stay to much in house or when I spent to much time on TV or PC.
Best advice I can give you is:try to work on what I already said sleep and time spent on TV/PC and in addition to this you can try getting a tan,when I'm tanned those dark circles are hardly noticeable.


Well-known member
when i was younger 11-14 or so, i had it really bad, my friends always were joking around,and said things like " have you just smoked weed like or what?"over the years it got better, now i have it like boby, maybe less. but sometimes its extremely brutal if i stayed too much time in front of the PC.


Best advice I can give you is:try to work on what I already said sleep and time spent on TV/PC and in addition to this you can try getting a tan,when I'm tanned those dark circles are hardly noticeable.

I am naturally really tan and personally have never found that to diminish my dark circles, but maybe it's cause my insomnia tends to get worse during tanning weather.

I use this under eye roller thing from garnier, it has caffeine in it to reduce puffiness, and some other stuff to help cover up the dark circles. If you use it twice a day, overtime it helps reduce the circles, it has for me anyhow.

Anti-Dark Circle Eye Roller - Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift | Garnier

Also, I find those gel eye masks that you put in the freezer kind of help.


Well-known member
I have mine because of insomnia. I only sleep for six hours so I think that makes it worse. Then I'm constantly stressed.

You think I could also have them because my eyes are staring at my phone all day?


Well-known member
I use this under eye roller thing from garnier, it has caffeine in it to reduce puffiness, and some other stuff to help cover up the dark circles. If you use it twice a day, overtime it helps reduce the circles, it has for me anyhow.

Anti-Dark Circle Eye Roller - Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift | Garnier
^ I was wondering if this worked, I was thinking about getting it since I'm running out of my eye cream and I'm willing to try something new. Right now I'm using Roc Retinol Correxion Eye Cream and it works pretty well, even though it is a bit pricey. It doesn't get rid of them 100% obviously, but when I put it on, and then put on foundation and concealer over it, my dark circles are hardly noticeable.


Well-known member
Somebody suggested concealer which is great (if you wear makeup). I've been hiding stuff under my eye for years with it and still do. The makeup brand 'Rimmel' has an amazing hide the blemish concealer stick. Just a suggestion.
But, on the other hand it was brought up if you don't wear makeup. It's good to find out the source of why you have dark circles under your eyes. Sometimes they are just natural and other times it's best to just bring it up to your doctor and do some research on what you may think could be a contributing factor.
You can get eye rollers and creams too. There's a lot that target that.
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Well-known member
maybe it's stress. if that's the case, your worrying about them is counteractive to your trying to get rid of them.
I've had dark circles since I grew into a sleep disorder at age 6.

I use concealer- brighten up the inner corner of my eye with a bit of white highlighting pencil. Job done.
Then I only have to worry about the rest of me looking tired and sick.

I've had mine for as long as I can remember. Mine are allergy and diet related. On a general bases, I don't worry about them. I almost forget they are there. But if I have some event that I need to look nice for, I'll use makeup to cover them up.


Well-known member
How do I get rid of them? They are so annoying:mad: I think I've had them for months and they're not going away. One person said it's because I'm skinny and that the layers around my eyes are thinned or something

I love my dark circles. Being serious.


Well-known member
I have dark circles because I was born with them. I went through a phase where I was self-conscious, but then I decided to accept it as a distinguishing feature. If nothing else it sets me apart from the Average Jane.