Spending Habits


Well-known member
Does anyone else find that anxiety impacts on spending habits? I have two recent examples.

I was stopped in the street by a girl wanting me to sign up for Greenpeace. Although I do like the work that Greenpeace does I prefer to donate money to specific environmental organizations. Yet after chatting with her for a few minutes about some issues I somewhere along the line caved in and committed to a monthly payment. I felt kinda overwhelmed that a girl I didn't know was interacting with me on a personal level and was completely suckered in.

Then today I went to the supermarket and wanted to buy a certain kind of fruit juice. There was a shop assistant standing right in front of the juice I wanted but he was talking to some friends and he didn't seem to be moving anytime soon. Rather than approach the group and ask him to move, or go home juiceless, I instead bought some more expensive juice that was within reach.

Small I know, but hours later sitting at home sipping on the juice and I was still beating myself up over it. And surprise surprise the cute Greenpeace girl never got in touch once she had my credit card details.


Well-known member
Hahah yeah. Very recognisable. Don't you just hate those people. They just give you no room to refuse, and when you say no you look like an ass because you don't donate :D And it always are the most beautifull girls too who ask... Very very hard. Till now ive always been able to refuse, but everytime it made me look and feel bad.

Same thing with the juice. I do have these kind of small habits. Like when i'm at the mall and only have some unhealthy stuff in my basket. Then i put some healthier stuff in it (which often i dont need) to make me look better at the cash register:D In a way this might even be a good habbit haha.
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I don't think anyone could make me buy anything that I don't want to. Let alone I am nearly peniless now so I can't afford more than the basics. I don't give to charities either because I don't believe in them.


Well-known member
I do it all the time, if i'm looking for a specific t-shirt/jumper i'll go to one shop, end up buying something i dont like and is nothing like what i had in mind just so i dont have to look in other shops. i also have shops i feel safer in if that makes sense which is why a majority of my clothes are from the same two shops ( h &m and topman) ha.


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A few months ago a girl from Amnesty International approached me, talking about their organization and asking me to sign up. I never donate because I don't exactly trust anyone and because I barely have enough money for myself, but I couldn't refuse. I took my card out of the wallet and was willing to give her all the details ... but thank god the type of bank card I had wasn't acceptable (I don't exactly know why). But if my card wouldn't save me, I would do it, even though I would deeply regret it the next second.

And in the supermarkets I do exactly the same. Or for example, when I go to a store and they don't have that thing I was going to buy ... Instead of just walking out empty handed, I buy something else I don't even need. Why? So I don't have to deal with saying "excuse me" when walking pass the check-out line and thinking how everybody thinks I stole something.


Well-known member
I know how it is from some friends, but myself? I've always been a tightwad, and I will admit this. Woohoo! At any rate, there is some brands I will pay for higher, but in some things, I will get cheaper. It's a Catch - 22.

Either way, I've learned to be a little bit more forceful to people who block my way, it took me a bit to learn it, but even a little meek "Excuse me" can go along way or just try reaching for that item. =)

About the spending money part? I know it's tough, but you could just carry small amount or what you plan to buy, and leave the rest at home, or in the bank. This can be pretty effective, cause you have a specif amount and you have to buy with what you have, or what you came to get. =)


Well-known member
And in the supermarkets I do exactly the same. Or for example, when I go to a store and they don't have that thing I was going to buy ... Instead of just walking out empty handed, I buy something else I don't even need. Why? So I don't have to deal with saying "excuse me" when walking pass the check-out line and thinking how everybody thinks I stole something.

Hahah I do exactly the same sometimes. How ridiculous is that ::p:


Well-known member
I have nothing against giving to charities, but I have to do it because I want to, not because I feel pressured. I usually don't mind giving a one time cash donation, but if someone's pressuring me into being a regular sponsor, forget it. If I ever sign up for something like that, it's going to be for a charity I strongly believe in giving to, not just something someone suckered me into. Last year I had this guy come to my door from World Vision or something like that. He was looking for people to sponsor poor children in third world countries. He showed me a bunch of pictures of actual kids to see if any of them stuck out. I mean, it's sad to see, but then none of them really jumped out at me either. I don't remember exactly what was said, but I was trying to say I wasn't interested and he kept going and tried to guilt me a bit. It's not that it isn't a good cause, but I just can't commit to something like that on a whim because I'm made to feel guilty if I don't. If I were to get sucked in I'd regret it after.


Well-known member
I bleed money when I'm anxious and stressed

Buying stuff i don't really need is a great distraction

Keeps my mind off of how broke I am


Well-known member
Does anyone else find that anxiety impacts on spending habits? I have two recent examples.

I was stopped in the street by a girl wanting me to sign up for Greenpeace. Although I do like the work that Greenpeace does I prefer to donate money to specific environmental organizations. Yet after chatting with her for a few minutes about some issues I somewhere along the line caved in and committed to a monthly payment. I felt kinda overwhelmed that a girl I didn't know was interacting with me on a personal level and was completely suckered in.

Normally, I just walk away quickly when passing such persons so they can't actually talk to me, or when they start to talk to me, I just put my hand up signaling I am in a rush and walk away more quickly. I have actually donated once, when I was with a friend, because the guy who kept harassing us was pretty cute and she wanted to donate, so in the end, I ended up splitting the cost with her, it was a one off donation though, not the monthly type.

Then today I went to the supermarket and wanted to buy a certain kind of fruit juice. There was a shop assistant standing right in front of the juice I wanted but he was talking to some friends and he didn't seem to be moving anytime soon. Rather than approach the group and ask him to move, or go home juiceless, I instead bought some more expensive juice that was within reach.

Normally, I just walk to another lane to pick something else first or browse around other shelves and then walking back to pick up the item I want when the group is gone.


Well-known member
I definitely get into situations where I spend more than I was planning on, and then beat myself up over it for hours or even days or weeks after the fact. Especially if it has to do with buying expensive juice or something.

I can also relate to not being able to ask people to move and/or reach around them/near them to get what I want.

Actually, today I was trying to look at some shirts and some lady was leaning against the rack. It was a round one rack and I was kind of looking at the other side, getting a little closer, trying to see and she didn't move. So I walked away for about 10 minutes and came back and she was still there. So I kept trying to "hint" with my body language for her to move (her daughter was near by trying on jackets) and she still didn't move. So I ended up walking away and not buying anything.

Usually if I see someone is there I just keep right on walking and end up going home.

But a lot of that has to do with the guilt I experience after buying something extra.


I give monthly donations to I think about 6 charities, greenpeace one of them. I have hard time saying no. I feel guilty and pressured. I dont mind so much because it is a good thing really as there are people who truly suffer and I dont have the true means to help directly to all worthy causes. I do get annoyed at myself at the reasons why I signed up especially if its against my best interests, or when I know I am not really financially capable of doing so. I sometimes give a one off donation without signing up, a sort of comprimise between me saying NO and giving them something at the same time.

Hate to say it, but there it is. A people pleaser in its truest form.
whenever i see a group of people at a checkout i spend sooo long browsing the store. and when the owner or a worker looks at me funny i feel pressured inti buying something i dont want just so i dont have to go to the checkout. does that make sense?


Well-known member
Horatio, you can probably get that monthly donation 'anulled'... There must be a procedure, a number to call or something... At least call/contact your bank and ask...?

I read that some older ladies were approached by phone a lot for some charities and said yes out of sympathy and basically lost their pensions that way!! There needs to be some built-in control for this...

I admire Greenpeace too, it's still up to you to decide what you do with the money and how..

As for juice or such, I'd probably come back later... I rarely shop (prefer farmer's markets and we don't really have one here..)

I used to buy things if I didn't really like them in the past too, and then they were just hanging in the closet, so I avoid doing that now..

And yup, when I was stressed and in a sucky job I didn't like, I spent more.. Then I made a budget, and was shocked where the money went, and stopped it, lol.. Just using cash and a limited amount is a good idea!