so lonely you picture your life with ppl you meet?


Shown the slightest bit of affection from a girl, and you can imagine being happy with them? not to sound creepy.. but its iv gotten so lonely lately that when a girl flirts with me or treats me really nicely i imagine how great we could be together. not that it would happen cause i dont have the balls, even typing this is making me red and panicked.

if only there was a girl out there that had the same problems as me
i hope no1 thinks im psychotic or anything lmao::p:


Well-known member
I think that's pretty natural. I have found as I get older my thoughts towards the opposite sex have been changing.

Used to be "damn, shes hot!".
Now its more like "I wonder what kind of long term partner/mother she would make..."


Well-known member
It's normal.

But considering the type of person I am, maybe what I think is normal is abnormal.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
I think lots of people here do that, I know I do. Every time I meet a nice girl, that evening I fantasize what it would be like to have a loving relationship with her, hold her in my arms, be there for her and so on.


Well-known member
Me too. Whenever I meet anyone whom I don't dislike, I spend a long time fantasizing about future adventures with him/her.


Well-known member
There are girls out there who are like you, you can find them at dating sites, at least that's what I'm gonna do. I am not agoraphobic, but all I do is sit home in front of PC because I have no friends at all. Later I want to find a girlfriend who's the same as me, or perhaps just a tiny bit more outgoing, but not the one who spends every evenings, or nights in clubs, bars...
There were some girls in my high school class whom I liked more, but never told them, it was really frustrating


Well-known member
I fall in love with almost any woman that is nice to me which ends in frustration because they are either; unavilable, out of my league, and the killer of them all i am unable to get the confidence to ask them out.