Yes, as much as I want to stay positive, I just have to admit that most people around present absolutely no interest to me. And how else can you use to describe these animals who usually have no other interests except eating, drinking, sleeping, sex and maybe some stupid sporting activity?
I'm not superhuman either, and not even Nietzsche fan (hate this bastard!). I just want to talk about intelligent, deep subjects, while most people around me seem incapable of it.
I'm taking classes in college, working for state agency in an average American city in the state of California, so I communicate with what you may consider "average people". From my observations of these "average people" I noticed the following topics that get their attention:
1) Their health - "I am sick", and "I'm feeling better" is N1. They like to discuss their health with detail, as if they are talking to doctors. Usually their diseases are nothing more then cold or allergy, but they make it look like they got cancer.
2) What they ate for lunch - It's much easier to go and try rather then discuss. It is interesting that unlike me, most of these people never tried anything more sophisticated then pizza, sandwiches, burrito or Chinese take-away.
3) Their husbands/wives, kids - It is especially painful for me to hear since I never had a girlfriend and had only one disastrous sexual experience 5 years ago (I will discuss it in some other post). But I don't care much if their sister Suzy is working in a bank, or their husband Ben is a plumber. Their kids school and university "successes" present absolutely no interest to me either, as most likely these "successes" will lead to more unexciting careers like their parents. When these bores talk about how their son (of a bore) is getting married, I only hope his future wife will have enough taste to file a divorce.
4) Sports, music and movies - Sports, with the exception of soccer, present no interest to me, how can anyone seriously like football or baseball? Their interest in movies and music usually don't go past Hollywood blockbusters or what is on the charts, and comments sound something like "I love this song", or "This was a cool movie, __________ was hot, and there was a cool shooting/romance".
5) New gadget - No comment
With younger people it's even worse, text messaging teenagers who only care about the new iphone, party with alcohol, and new boyfriend/girlfriend, who often doesn't know what the capital of China is and can't add 53 and 46 without a calculator is a disgrace.
Often these people are also highly intolerant, and can't even imagine that somebody who is 29 can be sexually and romantically inexperienced, and prefers depth to meaningless chatter. Many are also racists and homophobes, although few would admit it (it's actually not too bad in California). A large number of people attend churches, but they never even think of questioning or even taking a closer look at their religion.
I'm not saying that I am one of the elite, not at all, but at least I try to achieve something meaningful, I am a musician, and also plan on getting into journalism, I have a purpose in life, while most people are kind of like zombies - "work, school, home, party, vacation, shopping", and that's pretty much it.
Luckily, there are people around me, with whom I can communicate on politics, history, philosophy, and various cultural topics, but we are, unfortunately, the minority.
I'd like to also note that I do not have any social anxieties, I can meet and talk to people all right, and often initiate conversations, I am not shy(not much at least), I sang on stage, I have quite a few friends (about 10), but I do feel different, I don't feel like I belong in this consumerist culture, while most people are poisoned by it since the early childhood.