Say something thread


Can anybody relate to any of this.....I will be out with people having a fairly good time and then people start doing and saying stuff that I find morally difficult to deal with then my night is ruined. Other people's behaviours can actually cause me to become really depressed and I have to go home. Of course I dont tell anyone because it sounds really lame.
Also, I've done this my whole adult life....I hate having to say goodbye to people when leaving a party, or social situation. Especially if its a group of people. Im not sure why but I just try to tell one person Im leaving and then quietly slip out the door. Sometimes people have later phoned me at home to find out where I disappeared to.
Sometimes when Im at a party I will disappear into a quiet room by myself and read a magazine, clean up beer bottles or do something away from the group. It weirds people out and they think Im not having fun but its my way of recharging.
I also find I have a maximum amount of time I can spend out with people. That time seems to betweeen 4-6 hours and then I become physically exhausted. People actually suck the energy out of me. Not because Im having a bad time...but its all the mental energy Im using to stay sane and not lose it while out in public. Its also having to deal with all the facades peole put up while out in public and I immediately see through them. I find that very tiring.
Can anyone relate to any of this?


Well-known member
yea cruddy i can relate. I can be around people who i feel ok with... but some of the things they say and do just make me really uncomfortable and its down hill from there.

And I also hate saying bye when leaving a party or something. Well Ive only been to family parties and I would DREAD having to say bye.

... and i guess thats about it... BACK TO CLEANING FOR ME! :D


Well-known member
WHAT???? you got dropped from summer school psych???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

gees that really sucks. sorry to hear that :(

well i really came on here to test somethin.. *testing testing*


Well-known member
I ate some cheese & some peanut butter...& some popcorn...wish i hadent now...I didnt need it. :( ..guess I'm going to bed now...seems like a good thing to do since its late & I feel guilty for eating it.



Well-known member
Cruddy said:
Can anybody relate to any of this.....I will be out with people having a fairly good time and then people start doing and saying stuff that I find morally difficult to deal with then my night is ruined. Other people's behaviours can actually cause me to become really depressed and I have to go home. Of course I dont tell anyone because it sounds really lame.
Also, I've done this my whole adult life....I hate having to say goodbye to people when leaving a party, or social situation. Especially if its a group of people. Im not sure why but I just try to tell one person Im leaving and then quietly slip out the door. Sometimes people have later phoned me at home to find out where I disappeared to.
Sometimes when Im at a party I will disappear into a quiet room by myself and read a magazine, clean up beer bottles or do something away from the group. It weirds people out and they think Im not having fun but its my way of recharging.
I also find I have a maximum amount of time I can spend out with people. That time seems to betweeen 4-6 hours and then I become physically exhausted. People actually suck the energy out of me. Not because Im having a bad time...but its all the mental energy Im using to stay sane and not lose it while out in public. Its also having to deal with all the facades peole put up while out in public and I immediately see through them. I find that very tiring.
Can anyone relate to any of this?

I see people having the time of their lives on booze and without and so i'll panic and start thinking "shit, i'm being very non-entertaining" "just say something already" it becomes a massive freak out ...

You described it perfectly from my experiances too ...

If i say goodbye and there are alot of people then you feel obliged to say "bye" to everone in attendance which is pretty overwhelming if its a party with loads of people and you dont know many people right?! i think thats fairly normal so i'll just inform the people hosting the party and close friends if its too much ...

you took the words right out of my mouth in every aspect of your description, if i'm at a party after an hour so if i'm stuck by myself or i just can't enter discussion i'll find a room to hide in and if anyone comes in i'll pretend i'm texting someone on my mobile, although i'd rather just be honest and say i needed the alone time ...

i usually feel drained by the never-ending asteroids, missiles of comments beaming back and forth through me via conversations at parties that last all night, its so draining and often its difficult to escape it if your not on the ball ...


Well-known member
I transfered videos from camera to vhs....still cant find dvd...but now my problem is a low supply of Yogurt....heading to WallyWorld right now to get's late...less people...not too crowded that way for 2Crowded. :lol:


Well-known member


Well-known member
Some days are beter than was ok at first...but then got not ok..& then real sad.



Well-known member Im feeling depressed again...more so than i am probably depressed most of the time anyway...just sometimes like today I really notice it more.

hbanana11 said:
I feel like screaming my fucking head off right now until my throat hurts.

except you`re shy so it would probably come out as a mumble right lol

So yeah it`s about 3:00 on a sunday afternoon and I`m pretty much sitting here on the computer wich I`ll probably be doing allll day yippie!


Well-known member
Being left in a situation later where I have to be left alone with a man who has previously beat me real bad. No one cares :(

And I lost my closest friend today. All I do is hurt people and make them sad.

Wish I was dead.


Well-known member
Cruddy said:
Can anybody relate to any of this.....I will be out with people having a fairly good time and then people start doing and saying stuff that I find morally difficult to deal with then my night is ruined. Other people's behaviours can actually cause me to become really depressed and I have to go home. Of course I dont tell anyone because it sounds really lame.
Also, I've done this my whole adult life....I hate having to say goodbye to people when leaving a party, or social situation. Especially if its a group of people. Im not sure why but I just try to tell one person Im leaving and then quietly slip out the door. Sometimes people have later phoned me at home to find out where I disappeared to.
Sometimes when Im at a party I will disappear into a quiet room by myself and read a magazine, clean up beer bottles or do something away from the group. It weirds people out and they think Im not having fun but its my way of recharging.
I also find I have a maximum amount of time I can spend out with people. That time seems to betweeen 4-6 hours and then I become physically exhausted. People actually suck the energy out of me. Not because Im having a bad time...but its all the mental energy Im using to stay sane and not lose it while out in public. Its also having to deal with all the facades peole put up while out in public and I immediately see through them. I find that very tiring.
Can anyone relate to any of this?

I do that too!! I hate saying goodbye when im out with people in a group or party situation. I maybe say goodbye to 1 or 2 people and them sneak away...what does this mean?