SA makes you do STUPID things.


Well-known member
it could be worse. at least your not pregnant.
i was at a party once and my friend was like yeah just watch later when all these chicks are drunk im gonna get some. i was like did u bring a condom? hes like nah i dont need one all these girls are clean, i know them all. im like how do u know that? youre stupid! thats how people contract std's. you think its ok then wham! syphilis....
in his case being an arrogant knowitall makes him do stupid things.
that said im glad i dont have any. but im careful.
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Well-known member
lol yeah you are talking about veggielover, I was talking about someone else completely... miscommunication, apparently.. ::p:

yup, they are trying some fake 'Friends' shows but they aren't half as good..

Something's that remaked can't be good, they should come up with their own shows, not a cheap rip-off. But back on-topic.:)
You got yourself tested yet, veggielover ?


Well-known member
most people have done deplorable, stupid **** while drunk. the important thing is that you have learned your limits. i hope everything turns out well for you. i'd still get tested for everything (not just the herps) just for peace of mind- now and a second HIV test 6 months from the time you had sex since HIV takes six months before it can be detected in a blood test.

FACT: you can use a condom and still contract herpes and warts as these are spread by skin-to-skin contact and you can't always see them.


Well-known member
Something's that remaked can't be good, they should come up with their own shows, not a cheap rip-off. But back on-topic.:)
You got yourself tested yet, veggielover ?
Yeah, totally agree..

She did go to doctors' and they told her they can only test if it's an outbreak? (see above)

But this thread is making me wanna get tested too!! lol!!
I never did the whole thing, but yeah I was a bit worried about skin-to-skin contact and such.. I wonder if they think it's stupid to get tested if you're really still a virgin? (Do they even test or ask about that or just take blood? And how much blood do they take?)

Also, how do they test for warts/birthmarks? By cutting them off, or are there other ways? (Not sure if some of my birthmarks are that or something else??)
Sorry if this is topic for another thread-?? hmm..


Well-known member
@feathers these are all good questions! it's better to ask than not ask. a birthmark is not a wart! if you haven't had sex before there is really no need to get tested.

to test for warts or herpes i believe that they do some sort of scrape sample where they lightly graize your skin collect cells and put it under the microscope. if you are testing for HPV, gonorrhea, and syphilis i believe it's a swab test. for HIV/AIDS it is a blood test. they draw a vial of blood. probably enough to fill... say, an egg. haha. it sounds like a lot but it doesn't hurt and it happens really quickly.


Well-known member
@veggielover - please don't beat yourself up too badly - millions, many MILLIONS, of people - including me - have done the exact same thing.

It's called growing up.
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