SA makes you do STUPID things.


Well-known member
Maybe the majority of you guys out there are SMART and simply avoid social gatherings. I don't know but, when I'm with my good friends I feel more at ease when going to parties. Anyway, earlier this summer I did something very, very stupid. I am writing this as a warning so no other girls commit the same mistake I did. So, I was at this party and of course started drinking (as it calms my anxiety 100%) unfortunately the drunker I get, the better I feel. I become absolutely careless and don't think about the consequences. Let me just say I will make sure to never commit this error again. Alright, so of course I was like to my friend "I want to to make out with someone tonight!" yeah, typical thing for drunk Andrea (me) to say. Yeah, that happened. Plus more. I slept with a guy who I later found out has an STD. Yeah, great. One stupid drunk night led to this. Why am I sharing something so personal with you guys? I want anyone who reads this to know that these things are real and can happen. Something I never thought would happen to me before this. Please, please. If you are ever in that situation just think first. Think about it. Prevent it. Thanks.

I realize I should probably post this in some sort of STD support forum? I'm not a part of one and I don't even know if I contracted it yet, but this situation was caused by stupid social anxiety and need to drink when I'm around a lot of people.!


Well-known member
aghhh.. i'm sorry that happened to you!! it's a crappy way to learn a lesson! keep in mind that you don't always contract the STD from just one time. you should get checked and maybe it'll ease your nerves! also, most STDs are curable with medication, so hopefully you'll luck out! it was brave of you and sweet to warn others.. sometimes people get to thinking "nah, that would never happen to me", you're smart to let people know what's real! hope things work out for you, dear!!


Well-known member
You didn't use a condom ? I'm sorry, but making out with a complete stranger without safety net is just stupid .. Sorry for you though. :(


Well-known member
Oh gosh, sorry to hear this happened to you!!

Yeah, I had a few frantic friends with similar stories, luckily without std, one rushed to buy the after-pill... Luckily I kept enough common sense to never need one..

Just curious, how did you know/find out you had the std? Did you get tested just in case or did that guy tell you later or...? Oh, sorry - I read it again, you still don't know: GET TESTED!! (It can be free and anonymous where I live, check if it's where you live too!! And maybe get a friend to go with you, I'd be totally scared to go alone?)

Also to all the girls - keep an eye on your glass, never accept drinks from strangers or not-so-reliable-people, especially if you don't know what's in there, and don't eat iffy cookies!! (A friend had a blackout from MJ cookies!! She had no idea what happened then..)

Oh and Ignace, condoms break too... (I heard a frantic story about that too, luckily the girl said it was without consequences but just keep it in mind!)
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Well-known member
yeah unfortunately I knew this guy, but I didn't know THAT about him. It's a bummer...I found out from word of mouth that he may have herpes...wonderful right? It's really scary. I'm trying to stay positive about it and hope I didn't contract it and that he wasn't having a break out at the time. We used a condom but not towards the end. He took it off. I'm on birth control so pregnancy isn't an issue. I should probably hear from the true source and ask him if this rumor is true.


Well-known member
Part of the reason why I don't drink.

I had an STD scare when I was younger, probably the scariest thing I've been through.


Well-known member
@Feathers: It didn't broke, I can't read that anywhere though. He took it off, so if you have it .. you know how.


Well-known member
I went to go get tested and I told them my problem, but if it was specifically for herpes you can't just do a urine or blood sample. If you're having something that looks like a break-out then that's when you go to the doctor to have that checked out. Thankfully, it's been something like 2 months and I haven't had any scares and I hope to just learn from this mistake and how scary it can be. I actually finally talked to the guy...he said I have nothing to worry about, but how can I really trust that? I just don't know. I want to hope that he's telling me truth.


Well-known member
all you can do is hope that he is being truthful.. if there's nothing you can do to find out for sure right now if you contracted it or not, then there's no sense in dreading over it, it'll just drive you nuts =/ i know a girl with herpes and she sleeps with just about everyone all the time and it rarely gets handed off to any of the guys, so i think it's not something that's easy to get anyway.. it's likely he wasn't having a breakout, so try to consider yourself fairly lucky for right now and if anything ever happens and you have some kind of breakout, there's always valtrex 1,000mg :) lol... anyway, you know now, so be extra careful girl!! :D
I've done stupid things because of SA as well... I can't say I really regret them though, because I'd rather have done them than live a miserable inactive live due to SA. I'd rather live like crap than not live at all with SA ;)


Well-known member
@Feathers: It didn't broke, I can't read that anywhere though. He took it off, so if you have it .. you know how.

Ignace, this didn't happen to me, just to a girl we know! She said it broke, what can I say??
Condoms aren't 100% even if you do use them... Didn't you watch Friends? :)


Well-known member
veggielover, do you mean just the herpes that people have around their mouth or that other more nasty thing?

The one around the mouth isn't such a biggie, many people get it from drinking from unwashed glasses that other people drank from etc. Oh, I just took a look at Wikipedia, LOTS of info there (too much maybe? lol) They say "The scientific reality is that most people are asymptomatic, the virus causes no real health problems for a vast majority of people, and a vast majority (around 90%) of the Earth's population carries HSV-1, 2, or both." So, hm?

(I was planning to stay celibate forever before reading that last part though, lol. It can really scare you.) They mention some new tests too? Maybe worth reading.. Depends if they are available locally yet though..

Some other stds or their effects can be much nastier though, yeah..

Jake, please at least be protected.. I hope you are?


Well-known member
Ignace, this didn't happen to me, just to a girl we know! She said it broke, what can I say??
Condoms aren't 100% even if you do use them... Didn't you watch Friends?

I know they can break, I'm not a retard. ::p: But close, .. close.;)
Buuuuuuut, she said he took it off, I didn't read anything about breaking. I watched friends a lot a while back, but they barely play it on tv.::(: It's good though.::p:


Well-known member
I know they can break, I'm not a retard. ::p: But close, .. close.;)
Buuuuuuut, she said he took it off, I didn't read anything about breaking. I watched friends a lot a while back, but they barely play it on tv.::(: It's good though.

lol yeah you are talking about veggielover, I was talking about someone else completely... miscommunication, apparently.. ::p:

yup, they are trying some fake 'Friends' shows but they aren't half as good..