SA around family members??


Well-known member
Am I the only one who has mild social anxiety around my family?
Of course, it's much MUCH more intense around strangers, but I also have a little bit of social anxiety around my mom and dad. We've always been close, so it has nothing to do with them not being there for me. I dunno, it's weird. I just can't fully be myself around them like I can with my sisters. I could never ever tell them though, because I don't want them to feel like that means I love them less or they failed as parents. I know that's probably what my mom would think if she knew. :-/

I'm posting a lot today, sorry. Haha. I guess I have a lot to say, which is weird for me! ::p:
For me, it depends on the family member... I think I'm more awkward around my sisters than my brothers... I've always gotten along better with guys than girls in general though. But I can also talk to my mom a lot more easily than I ever could my dad... I don't know... but I'm pretty comfortable and relaxed at family gatherings for the most part... although the more people there are, the quieter I am... just like in any other social situation. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I sure do. Even more around other family such as cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I seem to even be better around my brother than my parents also. Just so not near comfortable still.


Well-known member
I sometimes feel awful around my family, no reasons why, nowadays they are very supportive. Could it be your mood as opposed to the company?



Well-known member
Whew, I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one. I didn't think anyone else felt that way around family. Thanks guys.


Your deffo not the only one,the only person i feel i can be myself round is my mum cos shes amazingly supportive.My Dad i dont speak to but even when i did it always felt awkward,and i struggle to cope if my uncle visits.
Yeah, when I was growing up, I pretty much clammed up when I was around my family. Especially my dad - he was always getting mad at us, making fun of my mom at dinner, making her cry. If I was ever alone with him my mind just went completely blank, and I felt so guilty and stupid for not saying having anything to say. It was doubly bad because he was a really quiet person, but seemed to put all his attention on you, like it was you who wasn't saying anything. With my mom though she tended to talk so much that you didn't actually have to say anything. My brother was always mad also, getting into arguments with everyone over nothing.

Um yeah, just your average screwed up family. That's why I don't like nuclear families. There wasn't much in the way of positivity in ours. So I tended to vanish into nothingness when I was around them, until I finally escaped to college. Unfortunately SA was kind of embedded in me by that point.

If anyone is in a similar situation, it might help to try to cultivate a relationship with a teacher you've liked, or a relative who seems sane. I happened to have a teacher I really liked in 11th and 12th grade, that I think helped me maintain at least a bit of sanity. Looking back, I wish I had talked to her more.
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Well-known member
I honestly don't think I'm completely myself around anyone but our dog. And for some reasons family parties always make me sad. So I'm eagerly anticipating my sister's wedding in November. Yes, it's on Friday, November 13th. So if you're suspicious at all, stay away!

The days I feel like I really need to talk to someone I usually just have to settle for daydreaming and listening either to Type O Negative or Megadeth. Or Bach. But that is another story.

Over the years I've been slowly withdrawing from all my relatives. Even my cousins who are like siblings to me. Anxiety's a bitch. I'd paraphrase Metallica here, but unfortunately it is mine.

Oh, and kuhtreen, you thought you might be the only one? If you look at the top left of this page, read that little part under ""

Yeah, now you're stuck with us. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have immense, intense, anxiety around my family, which is why I avoid them. It's a very close, social family. My mom is the only person I feel comfortable with. I panic around all my extended family members. I spend holidays alone because I'm too afraid to be around them, I miss my little cousins' birthday parties, family get-togethers.... everything.
Even though i'm now in my 30s, i still cannot make eye-contact with anyone in my family (but then i have that issue with most people)
As a child i was too "shy" to talk whener we had a dinner at the table
I put it down to Aspergers & problem with intimancy & not trusting people (to not give me the "evil eye", or trigger my very-easily-triggered negative/uncomfortabnle feelings)
I've learned to live with it


Well-known member
Yes i do. I feel uncomfortable even more with my grandmother, but yeah i do feel uncomfortable at times even with my sister and parents.

I don't like most of my family anyway.


Well-known member
Man, this thread is so sad! So many people not close to their families.
It's embarrassing that my mom can probably tell that I don't act the same around her as I do when my sisters are around too. It makes me feel more comfortable if they are there, but when it's just me and my mom, it's like a turtle going right back into its shell.


New member
My brother and I live in the same house and virtually never speak to each other. Last Christmas we spoke for maybe five minutes and that was literally the most we've talked to each other all year or since. If we run into each other we completely ignore one another. It's not that we hate each other, but I've never felt comfortable around him. I'm pretty sure he gots the SA too.