"Researching" anxious thoughts?


New member
Does anyone else have a bad habit of doing this? I've read about those with hypochondria having an tendency to google search symptoms and all that, but for quite a while now I've found myself doing research basically on whatever's been troubling me. Most of the time I only spend a few minutes doing this, but at other times I've wasted an hour or two going through search results. It can be quite frustrating and exhausting.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member


Well-known member
Nope, I don't research such stuff online. You can then find any disease on yourself you want to. It doesn't help you gain knowledge or something, but rather makes you feel sick and gives you the impression of being seriously ill.

Slightly ill? Ignore it, or do things more slowly, sleep more and so on.
Ill? Go to the doc and take some time off work/school to get healthy.
Seriously ill? Hospital.


Why bad habit? You´re learning. I do it too, I google diseases and whatever crosses my mind. IMO curiosity is never bad, and the more you know, the less ignorant you are.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Why bad habit? You´re learning. I do it too, I google diseases and whatever crosses my mind. IMO curiosity is never bad, and the more you know, the less ignorant you are.
A lot of people have a hard time remaining objective when they try to diagnose themselves. The result is often unnecessary stress. It's a common problem, that's why there are so many cartoons about it.




^And so what, end of the world? Doing things always brings risk, not doing brings nothing, only ignorance. It is actually funny people being scared from googling out about diseases because they might find they have it. It seems to me even more ill than if they did google and became hypochondriac. It´s like having a phobia of becoming hypochondria :).

It reminds me of countries where it´s forbidden to read because getting wise and smart is dangerous.


It reminds me of countries where it´s forbidden to read because getting wise and smart is dangerous.

One of the big problems of having a free Internet is that there's nothing separating the good information from the bad. You really shouldn't compare reading things online to gaining wisdom or intelligence.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
^And so what, end of the world? Doing things always brings risk, not doing brings nothing, only ignorance. It is actually funny people being scared from googling out about diseases because they might find they have it. It seems to me even more ill than if they did google and became hypochondriac. It´s like having a phobia of becoming hypochondria :).

It reminds me of countries where it´s forbidden to read because getting wise and smart is dangerous.
I'm not saying people should never research or learn things.

I'm saying that if someone has a tendency to over-diagnose themselves, then they should refrain from trying to use the internet to self-diagnose. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and the ability to use google should not be confused with the diagnostic capability of someone with an M.D.


One of the big problems of having a free Internet is that there's nothing separating the good information from the bad. You really shouldn't compare reading things online to gaining wisdom or intelligence.

Again what I´m saying, that´s the risk, that´s life that there is nothing sterile and "clean", there is rubbish on internet but an enormous lot of educative information, everyone has to employ common sense in order to find out which is which. Just as there are rubbish and wise books. What is completely sterile and safe? Everyone has to employ their brains and learn how to differentiate, we´re not small children that need to be spoonfed.

It´s everyone´s choice what they choose to make of things, but the things itself are not at fault.


Well-known member
Again what I´m saying, that´s the risk, that´s life that there is nothing sterile and "clean", there is rubbish on internet but an enormous lot of educative information, everyone has to employ common sense in order to find out which is which. Just as there are rubbish and wise books. What is completely sterile and safe? Everyone has to employ their brains and learn how to differentiate, we´re not small children that need to be spoonfed.

It´s everyone´s choice what they choose to make of things, but the things itself are not at fault.

Hypochondria and common sense don't exactly get on very well. :giggle:


I'm not saying people should never research or learn things.

I'm saying that if someone has a tendency to over-diagnose themselves, then they should refrain from trying to use the internet to self-diagnose. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and the ability to use google should not be confused with the diagnostic capability of someone with an M.D.

DANGEROUS :eek::eek: Why are you people so scared of everything damn.

I am realizing my thinking is WAY out of the box to be understood by people, this is hopeless..


I am not rude, just frustrated and say what I feel. Why should I say something else which isn´t true. I just feel like my thinking is way out of the box to the point I cannot discuss with people.. I should stop posting on online forums.


Well-known member
I am not rude, just frustrated and say what I feel. Why should I say something else which isn´t true. I just feel like my thinking is way out of the box to the point I cannot discuss with people.. I should stop posting on online forums.

Ok then... :rolleyes:


Well-known member
The Internet is filled with many false info which can mislead people, which is why people should be prudent when researching on the Internet. Information from university websites, clinics, hospitals, etc are usually credible. It depends where you get your information from.

If it wasn't for the Internet, I wouldn't have found out about social anxiety, avpd, etc. It was by googling "scared of people" that I found the term "social anxiety", and subsequently this website. Before that, I knew something was wrong with me constantly being scared of and avoiding people, but I couldn't really pinpoint what it is. I lived in ignorance, repeating the same mistakes over again, not knowing what was plaguing me.


New member
Thanks for the feedback guys. Personally, I have learned a few useful things from this (not necessarily related to health), but as someone else pointed out, it mostly leads to excessive worrying, and it's really not worth it.