Renting a place together


Well-known member
Do you think it might be a good idea if sociophobic rents a place with another one/s? Just to feel more comfortable, not having to avoid kitchens etc.. Lead a kind of " normal life.." ? Or will it only makes things worse ? :question:


not actually Fiona Apple
I think it could be a good idea, or more simply living with someone you're comfortable around, SA or otherwise.


Well-known member
No. I'd have to live with myself. It may work for others, but for myself, I don't see it possible even if we both have the same social issue.

People who are social phobic are still people when it comes to being in a shared space. And that's something I don't see as comfortable.


Well-known member
I'd never have a roommate. Living alone is tranquil, and really forces you to be more responsible. There's no one else to cook, clean, etc.

Plus, I can walk around naked.


Active member
I am in my final year of university, and honestly just find my housemates f**king annoying and can't wait to live on my own.


Well-known member
Ive lived on my own since I was like 17. In that time i have had people move in with me, girlfriends or friends, some of them have had anxiety too. Having company can be great, it can lift your mood and your anxiety can get a little better as you adjust to having someone around all the time.

But it can also be so stressful living with someone else and not having your privacy. or if something does go wrong between you and the other person your now not able to get away from them and it can make your problems worse. If its possible and feasable I think your best renting on your own if you can afford it, having my own space has helped me so much :)


Well-known member
If you don't have the option to live alone due to your financial situation, then heck yeah. I think I'd rather be roomies with another socially anxious person than someone else. Or at least someone who's introverted. A nice introvert who wont give me crap about staying home every weekend, or almost every weekend.

Either way I don't think it's guaranteed to work out no matter who it's with. You just gotta try it out and see how it goes. And no long term contract/lease..


Well-known member
I think it'd be a good idea as long as both of them are working on it / conscious of their hermitty ways. I feel more comfortable with those that understand mah issues (don't we all?) so as long as they can both get out.

at the same time if both are super hermitty they might get on eachother's nerves / privacy invasion feeling. That's how it is with my mom and I


Well-known member
I think it depends on the person - how you click, what are expectations and lifestyle (when it comes to cooking, cleaning, sharing things like food or not etc)

I've had some really great roommates, I actually preferred having a little more outspoken and sociable roommates (and learnt from them a lot), though introverted was okay too...