Relationship talk


New member
I am a really shy person and have been seeing a guy that I really like since February. I'm 28 and this is my first adult relationship. The problem is that I'm not sure how he feels about me and I want to know if we are on the same page. Does anyone have any advice on how to ask him? I just freeze up and have no idea what to say. I have a hard time having serious conversations with anyone.


Well-known member
Ask him.. out of the blue - "how do you feel about me"!
Sorry I can´t give a better advice..
The times I asked such a question, it was always a good answer I got.
The times I didn´t ask a question like that, I found out later that I had wasted my time and feelings.


Well-known member
Yes, you ask. It is the better way to know it.

Nanita said the best question.
You do it.


Well-known member
in my opinion id avoid the "how do you feel about me" stuff... First of all, you have to stop assuming what his feelings are for you. They will gently and slowly start showing themselves if the relationship is headed in a positive direction. You do not really need to push the relationship jsut for your own cause so that you can have that little assurance that yes when u wake in the morning theres going to be someone in this world that might spend the rest of their life with you.
I had a similar situation recently..and the advice one of my friends gave me that was REALLY helpful was that I should say how I feel first, because my feelings were starting to get serious.
I knew that if I shared that and he did not feel the same way, it could be horrible-feeling and the whole thing could just end right then and there..
but I also know that in the past, i've kept my growing-serious feelings to myself, even while the guy was making it clear that he was just being casual, this allowed me to feel like maybe it would get to be mutual with time, and it never did.
so i took the chance and told this guy that i DO like him, and since he's the slightest bit shy too, it was good for him to hear that- for all I know, he was the one thinking he was alone with his deeper feelings. so we figured out that our feelings were for the most part pretty mutual, but i did not have to put him on the spot by saying "how do you feel about me?" because that question can be very hard to answer- especially if you do not know what the person asking it is feeling, you know?
so my advice would be what my friend said- start with saying how you feel, and see what he says to that so that he has the choice to share, knowing how you feel :) i think honesty gets easier the more you practice can feel so good and relieving to just share your honest feelings face to face with someone :)


Well-known member
Personally, i agree with nanita. But read all opinions and go with what your heart tells you. you wont steer wrong :).


Write it down.

I had a conversation with someone once where they talked and I wrote down everything in reply to them. If only I could do that all the time... *sigh*