Pretty nice, I like it. Reminds me a bit on that one japanese band... what are they called... Audio Active.
Qntal /Sumer - YouTube
I love this band. Seen them twice live so far, and there are good chances I will see them live this year again. :applause:
The lyrics of this song are from a poet who wrote the song about a thousand years ago in what is today Germany. The song only uses part of the lyrics. Still, thinking that a poet nearly a thousand years ago wrote them is hard to grasp. So many generations between us and him, and so little is known about him apart from his songs and poems.
Here is a rough translation:
Summer came, with flow’rets sweet,
Everywhere around our feet
Through the greensward springing,
Where the birds were singing.
Summer came, with flow’rets sweet,
Everywhere around our feet
Through the greensward springing,
Where the birds were singing.
By that a spring there stood a tree,
Where a dream was granted me.
Fleeing thither from the sun,
To that spring I straight had run.
Then on bended knee, methought,
Ev’ry land me homage brought,
And my soul, in Heaven there,
Peace had found, was free from care;
Onward now my path did lead,
Where there lay outstretched a mead,
And a limpid spring did play,
Past the forest wound its way,
Sang the nightingale her lay.
And a limpid spring did play,
Past the forest wound its way,
Sang the nightingale her lay.
Then on bended knee, methought,
Ev’ry land me homage brought,
And my soul, in Heaven there,
Peace had found, was free from care;
But a beldame, old in years,
Came to comfort all my fears.
Her with questions then I plied,
Me with answers she did guide
To the meaning of that dream –
Hark, good people, to her theme:
"Two and one, why, they make three";
And she further said to me:
"Thumbs are fingers, don’t you see!"
"Two and one, why, they make three";
And she further said to me:
"Thumbs are fingers, don’t you see!"
"Two and one, why, they make three";
And she further said to me:
"Thumbs are fingers, don’t you see!"
"Two and one, why, they make three";
And she further said to me:
"Thumbs are fingers, don’t you see!"