Rant about the yearly 9/11 sadness


Well-known member
i'm sorry but I get so annoyed around this time of year.

Can we please try to remember that while that was a HORRIBLE tragedy, A LOT of people are actually trying to celebrate the day of their birth on that very same date.
It makes it SO difficult to celebrate being born and being alive on that day when so many people are in mourning and the news,media are shoving the terrible memory in everyone's face over and over and over again pulling the scab off the wound every single freaking year.

From what I learned about grief, you're supposed to celebrate the deceased person's LIFE and accomplishments...you aren't supposed to focus on the moment of their death over and over for the rest of your life.

That's exactly what happens EVERY single year on 9/11 and the days leading up to it. All we do as a society is focus on how those people died rather than focusing on what they did while they were living. Yeah we tell all the hero stories and stuff but other than that, all you see all freaking day is images of the planes hitting the towers and all the "where were you when it happened" stories.

Had I lost a loved one on 9/11, I would loath seeing the event replayed 10,000+ times all over every single news channel, every single search engine main page, etc.

Not to mention all the countless people, like myself, sharing a birthday with that day. All I wanna do on my birthday is hide in my closet and not come out til it's over. Then when you tell people what your birthday is, you get a sympathic or amazed "wow.that's awful...that day you were born...terrible day."


Yes it was a horrible moment in history and my heart goes out to those who lost someone dear to them. But can we stop reopening the wound and pouring salt in it every single year???? I love all the memorial things and heartfelt ceremonies honoring those lost but I guess I just get so sick of the media and news outlets making a profit off showing horrific images and retelling the events of that day over countless times.

I don't even know what my point is. I'm just sick of it.
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Well-known member
whew...thank you beatrice! lol i thought I was going to get a severe lashing bc it's so taboo to bash the way that day is constantly shoved in everyone's faces every year.

As for the support our troops thing...i'll be happy to support our troops but I'll never support the reason they're in this war.
i'll support them by praying for their safety and hoping they return home soon. supporting the troops to me has nothing to do with supporting the reasons they're fighting in the first place. i've been called unpatriotic for that view but...oh well.


Well-known member
it's like this every year. it does seem to have gone even further over the line and into a fevered pitch bc of the anniversary though.

same footage.same photos.same stories.same wallowing. if someone lost someone that day, i understand that person was the most important person to them and they deserve to be mourned but for the rest of the people who lost no one, i get so ticked when they go around in mourning telling everyone 9/11 changed them forever and blahblah. freaking attention wh*res just looking for their 15 mins in the spotlight.


Well-known member
it's like this every year. it does seem to have gone even further over the line and into a fevered pitch bc of the anniversary though.

same footage.same photos.same stories.same wallowing. if someone lost someone that day, i understand that person was the most important person to them and they deserve to be mourned but for the rest of the people who lost no one, i get so ticked when they go around in mourning telling everyone 9/11 changed them forever and blahblah. freaking attention wh*res just looking for their 15 mins in the spotlight.

And Breath.........:)
another reason why i don't own a television

Eh, I just stay away from news and documentary stations during the beginning of September.

I get what you are saying, Violet. I remember, a couple of years ago, one news station (I don't remember which one, but I want to say MSNBC) replayed some of their broadcast footage from 09/11/01. Good god! That day was horrible enough the first time, I don't want to relive it again. A couple of days ago, I saw an ad on NatGeo for "The George Bush 9/11 Interview" and at the beginning of the ad, they said, "9/11 has been viewed and analyzed from every angle... except this one." The interview didn't bother me, but while the announcer was saying this, they showed a recreation of one of the planes hitting one of the towers and then did a loop around it and did a close up from underneath while it was halfway crashed through the building. I don't understand the exact nature of what these images do to me, but they make me kinda nauseous and angry and a bit annoyed. If I go the rest of my life without seeing that footage again, I'll be a happy camper. It's already vividly planted in my mind, probably for the rest of my life.

Whew, I said way more than I thought I would. Again, I don't blame the people at all. I think it's the media's fault that this has given me, and apparently some of you, an adverse reaction. I feel horrible for those who lost someone that day and I would never stand in their way of grieving how they see fit. I just wish the media would butt the **** out. But they never will.
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Well-known member
Even the BBC here in Britain rehashes the same footage and interviews all day long. It's sickening. I want to watch real news. And why don't we have memorial days for all the innocent civilian Iraqis and Afghans killed by US soldiers?


Well-known member
try being born on 9/11 lol. I had dinner, cake and presents at my parents' house yesterday, you couldnt turn on the TV the whole day without seeing memorial stuff
I don't know if I should really be commenting on this, since I live in Britain....but, even though it was on a small scale, the 7/7 London attacks aren't represented every year in such a manner as the 9/11 attacks are.
Yes, both were awful and tragic, but I think...I'm trying to be sensitive, the 9/11 attacks should be remembered in a more sensitive,respectful and modest light now instead of this manipulative spread across the media and internet to extract sympathy and upset from the public.
It's all over newspapers and magazines in Britain too, btw, so I understand your view completely.

Just saying.
Sorry if I've offended anyone,I share this view perhaps because I've never been subjected to the trauma of losing a loved one(s), I'm probably unable to empathise effectively yet (in regards to these kind of mass tragedies). Feel free to disagree of course.


Well-known member
Yes and knowing it very well could have been an inside job so the govt could amend the constitution (Patriot Act, ha, taking away all our privacy) while we all were so enthralled by it (aka Black Flag or false Flag operations) made me not want anything to do w/ the memory of it anymore.

even if it was/wasn't an inside job all that lives lost are still lives lost, no doubt.

I don't think it's fair we spend so much time immortalizing it, makes you really wonder who's side the govt is on is all I am saying and it's not on the side of anyone but the elite. period.

this place is whacked. I am heading for the hills.
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Well-known member
try being born on 9/11 lol. I had dinner, cake and presents at my parents' house yesterday, you couldnt turn on the TV the whole day without seeing memorial stuff

yeah...i was attempting to have my 29th birthday yesterday. it was miserable.


Well-known member
Honestly ive always been annoyed with 9/11 period. I promise im not a bad person, but why should there be all this uproar over 2000 people who died 10 years ago when 30 000 children die everyday in Africa, and thats not even during famine like there is in Somalia.

Americans I love most of you, but it drives me insane when they can make fun of the holocaust but ohhhhh god forbid somebody says something about 9/11.

Honestly if I hear one more american saying 9/11 was the worst thing to ever happen to the world just because it happened to them im going to lose it. Holocaust? no? Rwandan genocide? how bout cleasing of bosnian muslims?

Well theres my rant. But seriously I mourn and stuff, but I dont know why 9/11 seems to be the most important when it seems pretty miniscule to other events that have happened.
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Well-known member
I admit that they over do it, it must be hard for the families of those who died to have this thrown in their face endlessly every single year. I live in canada and that's all

not to sound too paranoid but am I the only one who thinks that 9/11 .... wasn't done by terrorist? ( If you don't hear from me ever again the FBI came knocking at my door )


Well-known member
Honestly ive always been annoyed with 9/11 period. I promise im not a bad person, but why should there be all this uproar over 2000 people who died 10 years ago when 30 000 children die everyday in Africa, and thats not even during famine like there is in Somalia.

Americans I love most of you, but it drives me insane when they can make fun of the holocaust but ohhhhh god forbid somebody says something about 9/11.

Honestly if I hear one more american saying 9/11 was the worst thing to ever happen to the world just because it happened to them im going to lose it. Holocaust? no? Rwandan genocide? how bout cleasing of bosnian muslims?

Well theres my rant. But seriously I mourn and stuff, but I dont know why 9/11 seems to be the most important when it seems pretty miniscule to other events that have happened.

*sigh* i think i'm in love;) ;)
Honestly ive always been annoyed with 9/11 period. I promise im not a bad person, but why should there be all this uproar over 2000 people who died 10 years ago when 30 000 children die everyday in Africa, and thats not even during famine like there is in Somalia.

Americans I love most of you, but it drives me insane when they can make fun of the holocaust but ohhhhh god forbid somebody says something about 9/11.

Honestly if I hear one more american saying 9/11 was the worst thing to ever happen to the world just because it happened to them im going to lose it. Holocaust? no? Rwandan genocide? how bout cleasing of bosnian muslims?

Well theres my rant. But seriously I mourn and stuff, but I dont know why 9/11 seems to be the most important when it seems pretty miniscule to other events that have happened.

My thoughts exactly. I really want to blame the media for this. They want to act like America is oh so innocent, so when 2000+ of our people are killed, it's a tragedy of the highest order. When it is one or two or a dozen or so soldiers here and there, it may make the news, but probably not. When our soldiers kill one or two or a dozen or so civilians here or there, it is most definitely not on the news. And I don't like that the rest of the world thinks that all Americans think like that. I think there are more of us who think differently than anyone would believe. </end rant>

Brian Williams had Tom Brokaw on his show and asked if 9/11 has had as big of an impact on the US like Pearl Harbor did and I scoffed at the question. Brokaw did as well. 9/11 was awful, but Pearl Harbor brought us into WWII. People were drafted. There were rations on goods so we could make weapons and feed the soldiers. There is no draft now. Brokaw said "those soldiers have taken 100% of the bullets," so it hasn't affected the general population at all. So we spend longer at the airport. It doesn't compare. </end second rant>

Damn you, Violet! You got me all worked up! :)


Well-known member
sori:) but not really...lol i enjoy seeing the opinions on this. I don't feel so anti-american now. *sigh* if my fellow americans see this i'll be forced to move to canada;)
sori:) but not really...lol i enjoy seeing the opinions on this. I don't feel so anti-american now. *sigh* if my fellow americans see this i'll be forced to move to canada;)

I'm seeing this and I'm not gonna chase you away. Although I've been considering a move up north if a certain someone gets elected president.


Well-known member
I was watching a rant about 9/11 on YouTube yesterday, and the guy in the video was basically talking about how, if 9/11 didn't affect you (i.e., you knew someone that died on that day), then you should just keep out of it and stop acting like you give a damn, because tragedies like that happen all over the world every year.

I kinda have to agree with the YouTuber. I don't mourn on that day because I didn't know any of the people who died back then. I realize it's a very terrible and unfortunate thing to happen (as with any tragedy), but it didn't affect me. In fact, up until it happened, I didn't even know what the World Trade Center was.